Watch the London Symphony Orchestra Perform Sonic Forces’ Soundtrack

In recent years, there has been a rather nice trend with ‘Modern’ era Sonic games to include an atmospheric instrumental soundtrack, performed by a big-band orchestra. Sonic Forces will be no exception, following in the footsteps of Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colours by getting a symphony involved in the game’s recording. Enter the talented musical ‘force’ (geddit?) of the London Symphony Orchestra!

SEGA Japan’s Twitter account for Sonic Forces was kind enough to share a video today which features a recording of the LSO performing key tracks from the upcoming game, with Tomoya Ohtani looking solemnly on as grand orchestral overlord. You can just imagine him nodding to himself, thinking ‘yes, yes excellent… soon the world will know how a cello fist bumps!’

Ahem. Sorry about that, got a bit carried away. Anyway, check out the video above, it’s rather nice and it’s great to see the orchestral tradition continuing in mainline Sonic games. It’s going to be a CD soundtrack that’s well worth owning, no doubt.

Source: Sonic Forces JPN Twitter

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. Okay, that orchestral overlord thing got a smile out of me having watched the video yesterday and seeing Ohtani’s expression. Looking forward to a soundtrack release for the game honestly, I just hope the final build of the game is good too. The quest for an orchestral theme to beat perfect dark gaia phase 2 (possibly nega wisp phase 2) continues.

  2. I can’t be the only one frustrated that there seems to be nowhere to pre-order the Forces soundtrack. They do so well with their orchestrated soundtracks in the last decade or so (not you Boom) and I need this CD on my shelf next to the others.

    1. Also I heard those beautiful Sonic Colours notes in there that sound suspiciously similar to a few notes from Reach for the Stars.

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