EB Games Australia Offers Shadow DLC Skin With Sonic Forces Pre-Order

Looks like we’re not done with pre-order news yet! EB Games Australia has just put up a pre-order offer on top of Sega’s. If you pre-order from their stores, you will get a Shadow the Hedgehog costume for your avatar. It looks just like him! Albeit a bit skinny. Before everyone gets outraged at possible exclusive content, it should be noted that no where does it say that it’s exclusive. This means that there’s a good chance the costume is available in-game, so I wouldn’t worry just yet Shadow fans.

There’s some other things of note. It says it also includes “13 more in-game outfits and items and accessories” and “four Sonic Forces Art Cards”. These extra bonuses may be replacing the controller skins in Australia as there is no mention of them on the page.

Now since EB Games is an offshoot of Gamestop, chances are we may be seeing a similar offer in the US or UK. Time will tell.

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  1. But I’ve already preordered in the US…. don’t tell me I would have to preorder again if more things are announced because I already spent my money.

  2. What I want to know is that if that is the hedgehog type custom character or just another one of the ones we’ve seen already like the wolf or something? Because they’ve nearly showed off all of the animal types except for bear and hedgehog so far, and I am deeply concerned that they will make the hedgehog type as a game-clear reward as opposed to being able to choose a hedgehog right from the get-go. It doesn’t make sense to advertise all those character types and make only one of those exclusive to clearing the game.

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