Sonic Mania’s PC version delayed

Aaron Webber has announced via a Sonic Official youtube livestream that the PC version of Sonic Mania will be delayed ‘for further optimization,’ to ensure it runs on all variations of PC hardware. As an apology, anyone who’s pre-ordered the PC version of Sonic Mania will be receiving a free copy of Sonic 1 on PC.

Webber stated that this delay is an effort to ensure that the PC version of the game is “the best game it can be.” The PC version is now scheduled for release on August 29. The Switch, PS4 and Xbox One versions are all still on track for an August 15 release.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. What you mean the boring, outdated game everyone already owns a copy of and you can emulate for free anyway? Seems like a fair trade. :/ Well it’s free I suppose…but is it the Whitehead version?

    1. No, Aaron confirmed it’s the original “steam” version, I’m not aware what that is, just assuming it’s some emulated version on Steam. I was excited at the prospect of being gifted with Christian Whiteheads version but Aaron shot that down.


      Gonna cancel my PC pre-order and just purchase on PS4, I can’t wait that long

  2. pretty nice that you get a free Sonic 1. I wonder if it will be the original version, or the Christian Whitehead version?

  3. Well I’m expecting Forces for PC to get a longer delay not that I’m worried since I’m getting it on the Switch!

  4. I don”t have any of the 8th gen consoles and don’t even plan on buying them. I expected to play mania on the 15th on my pc, I was about to replay 1/2/CD on mobile and 3&K complete but thanks to this delay instead I’ll be angrily watching gameplay on youtube instead of beating the game myself then watching vids to see how others fare.

    I am extremely angry. My pre purchase is cancelled, I’m now considering “other means” especially if the rumors behind this delay are true. A lesson learned; don’t pre purchase. Never again sega or any other company.

    1. Dude, it’s only a ~2 week delay. You’ve waited for months since the announcement, what’s another couple of weeks? No need to be “extremely angry” about such a minor wait compared to other games that have been delayed. I will agree that pre-purchases are a bad idea, but you can still replay 1/2/CD/3&K while you are waiting. I mean, with all of the copied zones that we have seen, replaying those games will be a similar experience to Mania anyway. 😉

  5. With this delay, the early “leak” of the Switch version, the dozens of YouTube gameplays of the entire game… maybe Sega should consider just releasing immediately all versions (including PC, with a later patch on the 29th or whenever).

    And they present Sonic 1, a game that you can in any case get for free for the phone?

    Yes, they wanted to be big again. That’s how you do it, Sega.

    Big disappointment… (I am basically finding consolation rewatching the opening animation hundred times xD)

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