Update: Sonic Runners Adventure Out Now

Update: The game now appears to be available in the UK and several other territories, You can pay either through your phone bill or via paypal. Buying the game also gets you the free-to-play version.

Original Story: Sonic Runners Adventure is out now! If you live in Russia.

Last night the games FAQ page suddenly came back online and it would appear that the game has been released.

Users from the website vk.com found a number of screenshots for the game and included a link to the apparent store page where the game was available to download. However many western users reported that they found no such store.

But, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, with using a VPN we were able to access the page and can confirm that the game is indeed there to download if you live in Russia.

Trying to access the website from outside that region results in an error.

A number of screenshots for the game have emerged. The game play appears to be very similar to the original, however one significant difference appears to be a lost world inspired map

There is a premium version of the game which is apparently available now but a free-to-play version which will be released onto the Google Play store at a later date according to reports.

We’ll keep you up to date with more news as we get it.

Source: Sonic Runners Adventure Store Page

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  1. Why can’t sonic team stick to one type of art style? Generations, colors and unleashed were way better and we got Cartoony lost world. Well that’s the complain I have well besides Russia getting to play it first otherwise this is great!

    1. Agreed, they should stick with one art style though I prefer this style more than the previous Runners, also I take Sonic Generations and Forces art style over Lost World anytime!

  2. Is this just for Android devices for now or is there a iOS version as well?

  3. Whether it was released in some places intentionally or by mistake i dont know, but I’d imagine theyre going to properly announce and release this game at E3.

  4. Please, for the love of God, tell me there’s an iPhone version. I wanna play an actually good version of Sonic Runners!!

  5. I hate this artstyle, looks way to choppy compared to the beautiful cell shaded Sonic Runners, the game looks slower compared to how fast the original was, and the music is so uninspired, it’s literally the Sonic Dash Green Hill theme.

  6. Just a quick side note, you guys know that the currency displayed there isnt Russian at all right ?
    its Czech

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