First4Figures 25th Anniversary Statue Sneak Peak

The First4Figures Official Facebook Collectors Group has shown a sneak peak of the long-awaited 25th Anniversary Statue, which appears to be very close to the computer generated model previously shown of classic Sonic,in his trademark “figure 8” run.

Alex Davis of Firs4Figures, stated in the post alongside the image “Really hope this does well [sales-wise] – dont want this to be a swan song!”, once again reiterating that a continuation of waning sales of the Sonic series could result in the cancellation of statues planned in the future, including Modern Metal Sonic which is currently in the development stage.

Are you planning on purchasing the F4F 25th Anniversary statue? Is it what you expected? Let us know in the comments!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Ungghh, I want to purchase these so badly, but I have so much money being dedicated towards other things right now. This is like a problem that just keeps feeding into itself. T3T”

  2. Still holding out for more modern stuff… would be nice to look forward for a change.

      1. Silver isn’t the first character that comes to mind when I think “modern era”. He played a substantial role in ONE triple-A Sonic game…the cruddy one, and then had a string of negligibly relevant cameos.

        I’m thinking more Modern Knuckles, the Chaotix, Blaze, Rouge….hell, I’d settle for Omega.

        But I’m starting to think I’m in the minority when I say that Silver isn’t worth the price they charge…

        We’ll see how sales go. I’m not holding my breath.

        1. That’s a verdict not really based on objectivity. Silver is a Modern Sonic character and will be placed on that line on the website. Just because Sonic 06′ was bad doesn’t mean Silver doesn’t fit into the Modern line.

          1. Yes, that is why I said: “Silver isn’t the first character that comes to mind when I think “modern era”.” and why I did NOT say: “Silver isn’t modern”.

            I choose my words carefully, and I stand by them. I never said he wasn’t modern….what I’m insinuating is that there are other characters I consider more worthwhile in the modern line; characters I think deserve a statue more than he does.

            I don’t think I should have to to precede and finish everything I type with “THIS IS MY OPINION!” The implications are there in my use of the singular pronoun “I”, which most people will be familiar with….hopefully.

  3. i consider buying something when and if Modern Metal Sonic is produced – classic stuff doesnt interest me.

    1. Regrettably, I am a waiter too… waiting for them to release a Sonic statue worth the price tag. Silver and Classic Sonic are so low on my list that they may as well not even be on it.

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