Archie Sonic Comic Update: Comics Still No-Show, More Concerning Updates

Another monthly update of the Archie comic situation, and things have cycled around once again, with similar updates to last month.

First up, Sonic is absent from the July 2017 solicits, marking three months in a row as a no show. With Sonic Universe #95 not released for its slated April 12th release, and Sonic #291 not listed for release next week despite its previous given date of April 26th, we won’t be seeing any Sonic comics in April, and makes any May releases unlikely.

Speaking of those issues, the latest order form has been uploaded for May 2017, and the listings there are pretty interesting. Sonic Universe #95-97 are down on it as to be re-solicited, while Sonic #291 and Sonic #294 are listed as cancelled by the publisher. Sonic #293 and Sonic #292 may have been avoided due to what dates were listed prior to this point (it should also be noted that the PreviewsWorld pages for all the above main comic issues bar Sonic #293 have been deleted).

And finally, we have more apparent news of SEGA and Archie still being in talks. Matt Herms posted an update to his Patreon page informing his patrons that they’re talking, and will tell fans when there’s anything to share after that. This corroborates with what Tracy Yardley said last month.

Fingers crossed for a significant new update soon, but this could drag on for months or more so be braced for that as well.

Sources: Comic Vine, PreviewsWorld (05/2017 order form)

Credit to Kimberly Allen for the information on Matt Herms’ Patreon.

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  1. The comic went downhill after the reboot anyway, but it still sucks as I was an avid collector. I have every single issue, variant, and specials.

  2. Perhaps Archie and SEGA can talk about making an Archie Game aka Big’s Big Adventure 3? Cancelled Sonic Games like Sonic 16 and Sonic Mars did not make it because Archie Sonic stayed in Archie, If they make big plans like that customers like myself will buy the game with interesting stories.

  3. I think it’s idiotic to cancel Sonic Graphic Novel 5 and Sonic: Mega Drive – Overdrive

      1. Milestones only matter to fans, honestly. We don’t know what’s prompting this, but if it’s economic milestone issues are going to be far down the list of concerned it might as well not even be on it.

  4. This news really hurts me personally as I’m a huge fan of the comics and the work put into each issue… But seriously… right before the milestones.. COME ON! I really really REALLY hope that the comics live on with another publisher or something, especially since I’m one of the few who better liked the comic AFTER the reboot. All I can say as of now is that this comic’s run has been a BLAST. I’ve always loved reading each issue, learning more about the characters and world lore, seeing the beautiful artwork in each issue, and reading through the entertaining dialogue and stories from Flynn and the rest of the team.. it was an absolute treat. These comics were an experience that the games would never give us. It was a fantastic run from start to finish, through the ups and downs. Please for the love of all things, SEGA PLEASE do not let the comics or the spirit of the comics die.

  5. You forgot to mention that Archie hasn’t commissioned new art from the comic’s artists in months and Tracy Yardley is looking for new work. And today, Ian Flynn revealed his hopes to turn his BumbleKast podcasts into a full time job. None of this bodes well for the comic’s chances of continuing.

  6. The only one I cared about was Overdrive – gave up on Archie Sonic proper about fifteen years ago, so that’s no huge loss to me – and that’s already been canned, apparently, so eh.

    Regardless, two hundred and ninety issues is an accomplishment. I think, up to this point, it was the highest numbered American comic actually running. Sure, Action Comics and Detective Comics have regained their legacy numbering with Rebirth, but the fact remains they relaunched for the first time with the New 52, which broke the chain.

  7. It’s a shame Archie Sonic Comics may be cancelled. I have been a passionate collector since the late 90’s.
    I have noticed that on Amazon sites like amazon JP Sonic #291 is stated for a December 27 2017 release while other Sonic comics are set for 2035 (?!?!?!?!) release but that’s probably not a properly set date.
    Archie were supposed to be emailing fans at the end of April who subscribe to their comics but unfortunately nothing’s come around yet and it’s the first of May (where I am)
    Very grim news here all round.

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