Flying Battery Zone confirmed for Sonic Mania, trailer revealed

Flying Battery is the second returning zone coming to Sonic Mania, as confirmed at the SXSW 2017 panel. A snippet of footage was shown of the zone, which we will update with shortly when available.

Update: There is now an official trailer for Flying Battery!

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A video game enthusiast, dog lover and dedicated Netflix user. Would probably spend every day eating pizza and talking about movies quite happily.


  1. This does make sense…we never saw Flying Battery destroyed, so Robotnik would still have it as a base.

  2. Was hoping for a bit more originality, but Flying Battery is my second-favourite SK level and this looks real fun to play.

    Love that scrap pile though XD #FuckForcesBuyMania

  3. Am I the only one that is truly disappointed with the recycled zones? I mean, if I want to play Green Hill Zone or Flying Battery Zone, I can simply load up Sonic 1 or Sonic & Knuckles on the various platforms that I own and play those zones right now instead of waiting for Sonic Mania. I understand that the zones are “remixed” or whatever, but I feel that Sega is trying a little too hard to cash in on the nostalgia factor. Given the amount of recycling present in Sonic 4 and Sonic Mania, it’s almost like Sega doesn’t feel like they are capable of making a logical successor to Sonic 3&K and thinks that they need to recycle old concepts in order to make a good game.

    1. Sonic Mania is a 25th anniversary celebration game. There including remixed levels to highlight some of Sonic’s best while adding new stages to make it fresh.

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