Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #290

It’s time to look into the cosmic eternity in this week’s issue of Sonic the Hedgehog!

The preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #290 has been released, and it’s Sonic CD’s turn for some time in the spotlight! When Sonic attends the annual arrival of Little Planet, things don’t go as planned when it shows up robotic and chained to the planet.

It’s up to Sonic to save the day, and he’ll need to make use of time travel to do it! With friends to save and perhaps rivals to race, Sonic will need to be as quick as possible in “Genesis of a Hero”: part 3.

The Super Sonic Warrior returns in “Genesis of a Hero” Part Three: The 25th anniversary celebration continues with another blast to the past! Which is also to the future, and the past, and back again! When Sonic goes to see the annual return of Little Planet, he’s surprised to find it chained to a mountain! Join us for the exciting adventures of Sonic CD! Featuring cover art by the legendary Patrick Spaziante plus a “Cosmic Eternity” variant by Mr. Sonic comics himself, Tracy Yardley!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Tracy Yardley, Terry Austin, Gabriel Cassata & John Workman
Cover: Patrick Spaziante
Variant Cover: Tracy Yardley
On Sale Date: 12/28
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.

Sonic the Hedgehog #290 is due out tomorrow, December 28th. If you can toot toot like a Sonic warrior, you can catch up with this comic!

Source: Comics Alliance

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      1. Take a closer look. Those are Sonic’s back spines. You can ever so slightly see his arm under his head.

          1. That’s too thin to be his backspine, comparing it to his left backspine, the samll yellow dot over it is part of the road.

          2. Guys, you don’t see his arms at all. It’s his spin on both sides. You can’t see the one on the left (Sonic’s right) completely because his hand is blocking it. Likewise, his hands are blocking the view of his arms as well.

            Why is this discussion even a thing? XD

  1. hmmm…Tracy’s usually on point with these, but I don’t think this arc is gonna be his strongest work to date. Maybe he’s just not gelling well with the classic style.

  2. So this comic says that CD happens after Generations, which happened after 2. I guess that makes sense.

    1. CD has no official place in the timeline other than being sometime before Sonic 3. It could be after 2 (less likely due to going straight from 2 to 3) or after Sonic 1 as it was in competition to be the second Sonic game, OR even before Sonic 1 as there are no story-based elements that suggest Sonic CD has to be after Sonic 1.

      Generations doesn’t necessarily take place after SONIC 2. Sonic can spindash as a gameplay mechanic but you can also buy an insta-shield move and gain the homing attack, which is automatic in the 3DS version. Story-wise, it’s possible that Classic Tails comes from a different part of the timeline as Classic, or from the same part but before they officially met and he is merely focusing on having a future self as he meets these Sonic’s. If they forget most of what happened, they can still meet for the first time. :p

      I know I know….. All this unnecessary confusing time travel BS, amirite? XD

      1. “CD has no official place in the timeline other than being sometime before Sonic 3.”

        Honestly, I’ve always placed CD after S3K since Robo-Sonic > Mecha Sonic > Metal Sonic makes the most sense in technological progression seeing how Metal is the most used robot Sonic clone. I wonder how Flynn will deal with going from Metal in CD to Mecha in S3K and back to Metal for most games. I’m still wondering why Silver Sonic is even still around co-existing with Metal Sonic.

        “less likely due to going straight from 2 to 3”

        3 is not immediately after 2, even the Japanese states “many days pass”. There’s no way Eggman could’ve repaired the Death Egg in a few hour.

        “Generations doesn’t necessarily take place after SONIC 2. Sonic can spindash as a gameplay mechanic but you can also buy an insta-shield move and gain the homing attack, which is automatic in the 3DS version.”

        Game mechanics don’t suggest timeline placement. Gameplay/story segregation and all that.

  3. I personally really like the way they incorporated Sonic Generations into the comics. Having Classic Sonic forget the events of the adventure clears up almost any canonical issues I think Sonic Generations has regarding time travel (without timeline splitting.) Although, it’s interesting to note how in the comics, Generations and CD take place between 2 and 3.

    … And given that Flynn may be writing for Project Sonic 2017, I think there’s some great potential lying ahead in the game’s story. 🙂

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