A sudden stream brings news of SEGA’s charity work.
During a stream done to celebrate all things spooky today, Aaron Webber made an announcement about SEGA’s drive for charity. This year, Sonic will be officially supporting a movement called Extra Life, which encourages gamers to livestream 24 hour marathons of any games they play to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, with $22 million raised since its inception.

SEGA will be throwing their hat into the fray very soon; to coincide with Extra Life’s Game Day, Aaron and Sergio will be playing Sonic games on November 5th for 24 hours, starting at 8am PDT (equivalent to 3pm GMT). The aim is to raise $5,000 on the day, and there will likely be all sorts of weird and wonderful incentives to encourage viewers into donating.
On top of this, they have also set up their own team called Team Sonic on the website itself, so you can sign up to join their team and help them reach the goal they’ve set there of $10,000. With such a big community, it shouldn’t be that hard to hit, right? The link to join Team Sonic is right here.
If you have money to afford to give to charity, why not to the Hedgehog you love so much? And if you don’t, then just getting the message out to others is a big help too. Either way, it doesn’t hurt to lend a hand!
Sources: Official Sonic Twitch, Extra Life
I’ll definitely have a watch of this. It’s a good cause in all honesty.
they should play Sonic 06 for charity
Oh God yes that would make my day! Let them suffer like the rest of us!
Oh yes, because the previous stream from SEGA went so well…
Stream went super well, for those who wanted to know.
I ended up donating the pound sterling equivalent of $40, $25 of which went towards Aaron having to do the Vector mission.