Sonic 4: Episode 2 on iOS receives new update, now playable on the new OS

S4E2 iOS Update

Well that’s an interesting development.

SEGAbits have reported on their twitter that the game has received and update for the first time in 3 years with the following notes (in case you can’t see the above image for any reason):

–Bug fixes for iOS 7, 8, and 9

–Fixed crash on boot

This update numbered Version 2.1.3 is live in US, Canada, and EU.

SEGAbits also mentioned that the game still doesn’t lock-on with Episode 1 to unlock Episode Metal.

How does the game fare now on iOS after the update? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. *Redownloads Episodes 1 and 2, 69s his way through a few levels of Episode 2… and collects a few emeralds*

    Seems to run fine on my iPhone 6 Plus, bit of a wait when trying to reload a saved game though, I didn’t think it was going to manage it, but it did eventually. Lock-on not working for me either.

    1. Apple’s fault there. They made it so apps aren’t able to see what other apps on the iOS are running.

      There’s always the Steam/360/PS3 version to get your Episode Metal fix.

      1. Yeah I have both on PS3, just giving this new updated iOS version a bit of a testing. 🙂

        Chances are Apple will update iOS to the next full version later this year and screw up the game again anyway.

  2. I still had the game even after it got deleted of the App Store. Now that it updated, IT DELETED ALL MY DATA

  3. My bro got the update last week on his IPhone 5. I don’t know if it was the update or just a glitch with apple, but all his progress was deleted :/

  4. I am an iPhone 6 user and I’ve managed to get through the whole game (including getting all red rings and emeralds) without a single problem. Haven’t check out the lock on function yet but other than that the game is fine. I also have an iPhone 4, as well as a 4s and those two seem to crash more often after the update. Well I guess that is kind of expected, but considering that it was made for those phones at the time of release, I am a bit concerned for people who want to play the game(but have old iPhones an iPads).

    1. How did you unlock it?

      I have it for iPhone 6, I followed the directions to lock-on, but my phone refuses to recognize it, instead of locking on like it’s supposed to, it just changes between games…

  5. Oh man is finally here Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Episode 2 on Apple devices only but I’m so glad is here baby wooooo yeahhhh!!!

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