11 Sonics Drawn Badly, by SSMB

The Sonic fanbase can be a creative lot. There’s a wealth of content to be discovered from talented fans who create wonderful things. You’ll find pieces of stunning fan art, creative original animated series and ambitious fangames which rival the quality of even some of Sonic Team’s best. Games like Sonic: After The Sequel come to mind, with a wealth of unique well designed zones, an incredible original soundtrack and tons of creative new gimmicks. It’s hard to think of many other fanbases which match the unrivalled passion of Sonic’s.

Can the king be dethroned?
Can the king be dethroned?

But let’s forget about that. Let’s talk about memes!

It’s the new reason we all love Sonic! At least, Sonic’s twitter. Sanic has become an internet icon for the ages, and everyone is finding new ways to depict everyone’s favourite hedgehog in new, colourful and er… expressive, ways. Which is why you could imagine the delight on my face when I discovered SSMB’s newest thread – “Draw Sonics Badly”.

Started by long time member Diogenes, “Draw Sonics Badly” is a simple concept. Using whatever art skills you have, draw horrific interpretations of various Sonic characters. Of course, the opening week’s theme was none other than the titular hedgehog himself. So let’s look at 11 of the best!

Going too fast, by Nix


Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

A smile to behold, by Solly


The chest hair really adds to the heroic charm depicted here.

Noodle limbs, by Diogenes


Who needs to jump with legs like these?

Cross-eyed, by Azookara


Look deep into his eyes. There’s an ocean of beauty.

Rocket boost, by YoshiUnity


When you can’t get enough fast.

Crimelord, by Nepenthe


Could this be leaked concept art for 2005’s hit title Shadow the Hedgehog?

Speeding for lasagne, by Clewis


I swear I’ve seen that face somewhere before…

Wrapped up for winter, by JezMM


Honestly, that scarf is just SO stylish.

Horror, by Pompadour


Those slippers are lovely. Where did you get them?

A tasty treat, by Sami


A delicious ice cream the whole family can enjoy!

Believe in yourself, by Gregzilla


Sonic always loves to inspire.

There you are – eleven amazingly awful Sonics drawn by members of the SSMB. Which one was your favourite? Or which one will you be seeing in you nightmares? Let us know in the comments below!

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A video game enthusiast, dog lover and dedicated Netflix user. Would probably spend every day eating pizza and talking about movies quite happily.


  1. Rocket boost Sonic is my husbando. :3 He’s so cute.

    But I like Noodle Arms and “Bad” Sonic too.

  2. Eh, nothing can beat Sanic, because that was made unintentionally bad. You can’t replicate that level of bad on purpose, it’s just, well, trying to make something terrible. Noble attempts tho.

    1. Sanic was definitely made bad with intention. You must be thinking of Gotta Go Fast, which was actually drawn by an 8 year old.

  3. Oh drat! This reminds me of a topic I started on SFGHQ a long time ago where I asked everyone to draw strange Sonics. I did quite a number of freaky creations but unfortunately I didn’t save any and SFGHQ keep changing to different forums so I can’t pull them from the original topic.

    Still, a fun idea it was, and still is by the looks of it.

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