Sonic Revolution 2016 Announced

If you live near the West Coast, this may be something for you.

Revolution Logo

After taking a hiatus in 2015, the organisers have announced that Sonic Revolution 2016 is a go! See below for the basic details of the event that are very useful to know;

Date: June 12th 2016 (10am – 6pm)

Location: Century Ballroom, Holiday Inn LAX (9901 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA)

Ticket Prices: $9.99 (Regular “Sonic” pass), $19.99 (Exclusive “Super Sonic” pass)

Each guest will receive a free goodie bag consisting of a postcard, poster and thank you letter. These items can also be gotten as donation tiers through their fundraising page, linked here.

In terms of events, there will be an artist alley and at least one vendor stall present, and it has been confirmed that cosplay and trivia contests will take place as well as various raffle competitions. There are no special guests confirmed as of yet, but the event in 2014 managed to have a guest list including Evan Stanley and drop-in appearances from Aaron Webber and Stephen Frost. Given that the timing of the event is around E3, they’re hoping to get some interesting names down this time. Confirmation of other activities and names will be in the coming weeks and months.

To purchase tickets and/or find more information about what’s included with each pass type, the event’s box office can be found here.

Special thanks to Ogilvie for all of the above information.

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    1. Same. I got excited for a second aswell.^-^;;;;
      I wish I could go but I don’t live anywhere near there.=/

    2. At first I thought this was a rhythm game like Rhythm Thief, it would have been totally way pass cool if they made a sonic version, yes!

  1. The fans have more plans for Sonic than Sega does. Wake me when the actual games start being produced.

    1. The games are being made right now, bro. They just won’t be ready for release until next year.

      Be patient. I know it can be tough to wait, but believe me, Sega and Sonic Team should absolutely not rush the next title. Its better this way, really.

  2. Not a fan of the logo really. It could use an update to reflect the current franchise better.

    This is the problem with fan events, they always feature things hat haven’t been relevant in years to the franchise. Instead of an Adventure-esque look, it needs more of a bubbly Colors/Lost World look to the logo.

    1. Hi Chris!

      This logo was chosen in a poll we held in our Facebook social group from among numerous other logos. Logos were submitted by fans, and the main motif was either Sonic Adventure 1 or 2.

      We might change the logo in future years, but we felt we would keep it for the 2016 event. We’re all for fan participation, so we give every fan a chance to design a new logo when we hold a contest.

      Regarding the fan events, I’d have to respectfully disagree. Things like SatAM, Sonic the Comic, etc. have not been “relevant” (in terms of currency) for quite some time. It is only through the love and dedication of fans that these different takes on the franchise continue to receive attention and grow.

      I guess my perspective is that Sonic Boom (the event) does a good job of focusing only on the immediately-relevant aspects of the franchise; this makes sense, as it is SEGA America’s official Sonic event. Fan events, meanwhile, are about the fanbase, not marketing, so I’d say they have full license, nay, an obligation, to feature aspects of Sonic besides what is current.

      1. Well, you see, it’s not that it’s wrong, I just feel it’s unfair to fans both old and new. At many events there’s often a moment where the present franchise is focused on. You get some new stuff like a trailer and such, but the rest of events both official and fan made often cater to the 1991-2004-6-ish portion of the franchise the most. Primarily the 1998-2008-ish portion really.

        I’ve come to feel in recent years that this provides nostalgia for fans in a more and more negative way, as with the more time that passes, fans realize how much older the content they see/experience every year at events is getting, and they in turn feel the test of time by thinking of how long its been since they’ve experienced such content even though the demand never really faded much for it.

        As far as new fans, they see all of this older content filled with energy, rock, etc and expect the present franchise to be the same, only to discover the Colors-present franchise we’ve had which is in many ways a polar opposite of what both fans and SEGA offer at events to bring people in.

        In the end I merely feel it’s time to forget everything from at least the 1998-2008 period and instead focus only on the Genesis and Colors-onward content at events, both fan and official because that is the true Sonic franchise of today and it isn’t misleading. Nor’ does it cause fans to feel… I suppose negatively nostalgic.

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