G.E. Entertainment Reveals Their Vector Crocodile Plush


It’s not even been a month! GE Entertainment contnues to make our wallets hurt, this time it’s Vectors turn to get the reveal.

As usual, no details on pricing yet, but size wise this thing is a huge 14 inches tall! Exact release date hasn’t been announced, but the fact it’s on their website suggests it’s on the way, odds are they’ll release Blaze and Vector around the same time like they did with Big & Espio

As with many of their plushes, this is the first time that Vector has ever been in a plush form (officially).

As always, only Ebay & Amazon sellers will stock these.

Edit: You know, these things are so regular I’m half tempted to just write a template and fill in the missing details when a new one is announced/revealed.

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  1. Well this is a little odd. How does GE even get the licence to do this sort of stuff? I always thought it was “make Sonic Tails and Knuckles ONLY or GTFO”, but this proves otherwise. Just so nice for a company to make what the fans actually want and not just another Sonic. Here’s hoping they get a licence for Freedom Planet!

  2. Thank god that isn’t a talking Vector. I don’t want to hear him say “Find the Computer Room” all fucking day.

    1. You know you want it. And he should totally say “Who’s this broad?” for some awkward moments with your girlfriend.

  3. Man, I need to get my hands on this, I’ve waited so long for a Vector plush. Does anyone know where’s the fastest way to order this?

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