Sonic Runners Update Brings Game Alterations

Mobile exclusive game Sonic Runners today released update 1.0.4 to the markets which the title is currently available in, bringing some noteworthy gameplay alterations to the experience.


This update is particularly noteworthy as it alters several core gameplay mechanics – such as revive tokens, the goals for your daily challenges, and using the item roulette to win prizes on each login.

Here’s the official information provided by SEGA on the game update, via the Canadian App Store:

■Update Details
・Fly-type Character Adjustments
Hit detection now covers the whole character while in the air. It’s much easier to defeat enemies now.

・Daily Challenge Adjustments
Goals and prizes have been improved to make them easier to get!

・Additions to Results Screen
Score bonuses have new animations making it easier to understand your score!

・Revive Tokens
Max Revive Tokens are set at 3 and now take 30 minutes to recharge.

・Item Roulette Adjustments
Roulette spins reduced to 1 time, but prize amounts have been increased!

・Item Selection Save
Items selected on previous run will be automatically selected on your next run.

・Character Behavior Adjustments
Recovery time shortened after taking damage.

・Camera Placement Adjustments
Camera zooms out during loops and when speeding up to make it easier to see what’s coming.

・Object Adjustments

■Bug Fixes
・Effect and behavior corrections for some Companions
・Minor bug fixes

These adjustments could be seen in various lights. For example, while now you only get one spin a day on the item roulette wheel, the prize numbers are far greater than before. The alterations to the revive mechanics seems to only push Runners in a much more freemium direction than before, encouraging users to pay for revive tokens or ask friends for refills.

Also available to Runners users currently with this update is the log in campaign for fifty free revive tokens – simply open the game and you’ll be offered ten tokens a day for the next five days. It should be enough to keep you running for a while!

Let us know what you think of these adjustments in the comments below.

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A video game enthusiast, dog lover and dedicated Netflix user. Would probably spend every day eating pizza and talking about movies quite happily.


  1. Fixing the Fly types, check.
    Camera adjustments, check.
    Obstacle adjustments, check.
    Bug fixes, check check checkity-check.

    It’s official: EVERY problem I had with the game is being fixed! ^^
    Now I just need to find that apk update file…

  2. I always considered revive tokens in these endless runner game types a bit superfluous. I’m more used to a 1-and-done run than constantly using revive tokens.

  3. I’ll be sure to get back to you whenever I can get my hands on the updated apk! Or, y’know, they decide to quit being coy about officially releasing the game in the States.

  4. I’m really sick of Sega still neglecting this game’s release into the USA. First CN starts slacking off on the Sonic Boom episodes, which should be ready by now, and now Sega is slacking off with this game… God, I hate how our economy and horrible work ethics, which is a likely reason why these things are taking forever…

  5. I’m gonna miss my 3 spins a day and 15 minute revives, but everything else I’m fine with.Wish SEGA would make it 2 spins instead of just 1 that you get as well, would make me a bit happier about the update. Overall though it’s a good update (specially the flying characters update)

  6. Item Roulette Adjustments
    Roulette spins reduced to 1 time, but prize amounts have been increased!

    I actually have a problem with this change.
    I cannot hit the jackpot by this rule!!!

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