First 4 Figures Modern Super Sonic Pre-Orders open May 5th


We knew it was coming, and now it’s just around the corner. First 4 Figures’ Modern Super Sonic statue will be going up for pre-orders this coming Tuesday (5th May 2015).

Originally revealed at Weston Super Sonic earlier this year, the statue portrays Modern Super Sonic splashing down into Station Square’s flooded remains in a pose reminiscent to this piece of artwork. The statue also includes a kick arse lighting effect that causes the water on the top of the base to light up.

Below is a video our very own Hogfather got of the statue during his visit to Weston Super Sonic of the statue, and its lighting features.

Be sure to join us on Tuesday, where the full official reveal of the statue will take place!

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Documentary filmmaker, contributing commentator on The Sonic Show and self-confessed merch addict. If he's not making films or polishing his collection, he's probably at a theme park.


  1. Looks pretty fantastic, but then again, it’s F4F. They make art moreso than just products.

  2. yes but how much will it be so I know how broke I will beee?!?!

    is there a hint or something?

  3. Great, another reason for me to get money out of my nonexistent wallet. And I was looking forward to the Videl statue instead. I hope this looks greatly different from the classic one. I don’t want to purchase a repeat.

  4. Huh, so that’s what your voice sounds like Hogfather. Forgive me for saying so, but I

    1. *guess based off of your avatar and your stern attitude when dealing with troublemakers on the comments sections, I guess I always expected you to sound a bit more gruff. Also, I am very easily surprised by how many mods on this site are from the UK. It’s almost as if there are other countries than America and Japan or something…

      Anyway, this is really cool! I love how he’s floating above the waters of the flooded Station Square! 😀

      *sorry, I accidentally split my comment in half. XP”

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