Sonic Dash Coming to Android Devices


Sonic Paradise reports that SEGA Europe representative Megan Davis has informed them that popular iOS title Sonic Dash will soon be making its way onto Android devices. According to Davis, we can expect an official announcement soon once SEGA has decided on a release date in their upcoming software schedule.

“There will be an Android version of Sonic Dash, we’re just reviewing our release schedule to accommodate it, but you can expect an announcement very soon”

When the official announcement is made, we’ll be sure to bring you all of the information here.

Are you excited to finally hear this news? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Sonic Paradise

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    1. Wait a second, this entire time you had to torture yourself by reporting on the game, but never being able to play it? (Unless if you never wrote any posts concerning Sonic Dash.) Well, I am glad that soon you will finally be ale to enjoy the game. 🙂

      1. Pretty much, yeah! Even us TSS staffers don’t get to play everything if we don’t own the right devices.

  1. Finally Sonic Dash is on Android phone but what about Shadow the hedgehog on android version of Sonic Dash?

  2. Yes, finally, my little dinky Optimus (well, not so dinky) can have this game on it. …Problem is I’m already running out of space thanks to too many cat pictures, hehehe. Puzzles and Dragons takes up a pretty hefty chunk too :/ But it’ll be great XD

  3. Good. Now people can stop saying stuff about “when will it come to android” or “make this for android”

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