[UPDATED!] Get even more DLC for your Deadly Six Edition!

shoptodlclostworldSonic Lost World is the game that just keeps on giving! On top of what looks to be a title already packed with content, we also have the Deadly Six Edition for Wii U containing DLC inspired by NiGHTS into Dreams… and now, thanks to UK retailer ShopTo, it looks like we have even more extra goodies to look forward to as well!

ShopTo recently made the below announcement on their Facebook page:

Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Edition on WiiU now comes with another 2 DLC codes!

The first one includes 5 Black Bombs Colour Powers to devastate your enemies five times over. The second includes a Rare Omochao RC Gadget, a chao-tastic way to help out Sonic. This title already comes with the NiGHTMARE DLC pack, which contains an extra level with enemies inspired by the Sega Saturn classic NiGHTS into Dreams, meaning you’ll get 3 DLC codes in total!

So, on top of NiGHTS-themed boss battles, we also have a golden Omochao RC and five uses of the Black Bomb Wisp to download on release day. You can pre-order Sonic Lost World: Deadly Six Edition at ShopTo for £32.86 by clicking here.

Thanks to SSMB member Phil Collins for pointing this out!

UPDATE: US retailer GameStop are also offering a similar bonus DLC offer, however there is no mention of the Black Bomb Wisp and it advertises an Omochao inspired by Sonic himself rather than the golden one ShopTo are giving away. Looks like there’s some region-exclusive DLC being distributed! Thanks to SSMB member Sonic CD for the heads up!


UPDATE #2: Hot off the press… there’s yet another pre-order bonus if you get the game from a different retailer, in this case Amazon.com! This one’s a little less exciting though – 25 extra lives. Still, a free bonus is a bonus, and you never know when some 1-ups might come in handy!


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Published by

Doctor MK

Tally-ho! Doctor MK is a writer and English Language enthusiast with a love of gaming, especially when it comes to Sonic! He's known for being fond of puns, so provide opportunities for wordplay at your peril. Founder of the Sonic Relief fundraising campaigns (2009-2011).


  1. I don’t think having an Omochao recolor is going to boost sales of the Deadly Six edition. I mean, honestly, why does Sonic Team keep shoehorning Omochao in when no one likes it? If you’re going to have Chao in the game, make it a Chao Garden and make some of your fans happy.

    1. To be completely honest, I think people overreact about Omochao – they say he is the most irritating thing in the franchise, but where does he pop up in the games that often? Last I saw of him/her/it was in Generations, & you can switch him off at the options. Before that, I remember him being in SA2(B), but he was always at the corner or not in front of the player’s path.

  2. I have gone to the local game shop here so many times to see if they have the Deadly Six special edition, and NOTHING!

    I guess North America just isn’t getting this special edition….. =/
    So disappointing! This is the same story with Sonic Generations, I really wanted the special edition with that, but it was only for the UK…

    On the positive note, I put my copy of Sonic Lost World on pre-order MONTHS in advance!
    I only wish I could get a copy of the Special Edition… =/

    1. Just like all of the initial copies of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed were the Limited Edition, all first print copies of Sonic Lost World Wii U will be the Deadly Six Edition (except I think it’s called the Deadly Six Bonus Edition in America).

      Just pre-order the game and you’ll get the Deadly Six Edition, almost certainly.

  3. I really hope they release the DLC at a later date on the EShop on a future. I’d hate owning the standard edition knowing that there’s a small bit of content missing.

  4. I get to play as Omochao? SON OF A GUN! WHY CAN”T OCTOBER GET HERE FASTER?!?!?!?!?! We finally get to play as him after all these years! 😀 This game already is worthy of a Golden Joystick award! 😉

    1. Oh snap
      I forgot the rc vehicles could be controlled by another player on the wii U
      I wonder how the regular omochao and the rare omochao will play

      1. I am guessing they’ll play like all the other RC Vehicles, but it is the perfect place for them because Omochao does fly and exists to assist you.

  5. Phil Collins? lol Nice name.

    Anyhoo I wonder what the Golden Omochao does. Assuming it doesn’t annoy everyone else (as I was only annoyed by him in Heroes and sort’ve Generations) then hopefully he’ll be useful in some cool ways.

    That’s an odd description for the Bomb power tho. lol

  6. “No NO, ” Everything but Omochao :O (o.k it a lot cheapter than the others ^v^)

    Staff Edit: Please don’t stretch the page.

    1. It’s just a bonus for preordering the game, you can’t just buy extra lifes as DLC after the game has come out.

  7. SEGA! I hope they didn’t add a button where one player can just press and Omochao would just yell tutorials.
    also dat Sonic Omochao…It better go fast :D!

  8. Honestly, I know I’m going to be laughed at for saying this, but I kind of really want to play as Omochao in Sonic Lost World. XD
    1. Closest thing I’ll ever get to playing as my favorite Sonic character, Chao.
    2. It isn’t talking much, so I see no issue.
    3. If it gets hurt, it will be fun.
    4. I look forward to something that isn’t Sonic himself sometimes.
    5. LOL’s.

  9. Oh, but 25 lives is a pretty dumb pre-order idea, I’ll say… however, while pointless, it brings no harm.

    1. *facepalm* Its just a preorder bonus. If you didn’t preorder from that retailer, you don’t get the bonus and you can’t buy them as normal DLC.

  10. I am in impressed of Sega putting DLC Codes of downloadable content of black 5 black bomb and Rare Omochao Rc Garget,! also on GameStop have another DLC codes down content 25 life’s for Sonic and Rare Sonic Omochao Rc Garget,!

  11. I have a Wii U and a 3Ds XL. I already pre-ordered the game for the Wii U but I’m not really planning to get the 3Ds version anytime soon. Sooo… Does the RC controller require a copy of the 3Ds version or will it work with just the Wii U standalone version?

    1. Nope, you only need the Wii U version to use the RC. The 3DS version is only needed if you want to build extra RC vehicles and then transfer them over to the Wii U.

  12. This is perfect. The RC Omochao. Have it hover around Sonic. Add in some dialogue. Post it on Youtube.

  13. Just been in touch with Amazon.co.uk
    Nothing yet from them, however as soon as there is an update, I’m to be notified by E-mail.

  14. Sadly, still not preordering the game. I don’t have a WiiU and I can’t afford it XD

    Shame. I would have loved to annoy people as Omochao…

  15. The exploding bomb looks way to Mario imo. Wish the series would go back to the adventure, adventure 2, battle, Shadow, heroes days. Personally my favorite.

  16. Love the Sonic omnichao, but so far thats all I like. I hope that this game turns out to be good, but my expectations are low.

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