Wave 1 of SOS tickets sells out in 6 seconds!

sos2013Blink, and you probably did miss it! Following the amazing demand of last year, everybody knew this years first wave would go quickly, but nobody expected it to go this quickly. 450 tickets were up for grabs and they all sold out in 6 seconds!


If you got your tickets odds are you’re wiping the sweat of your brow right now and thinking something along the lines of ‘Oh man! I got lucky!’ However if you were unsucessful, do not despare, the second wave of tickets will go live this Sunday 7th July at 6:00PM (BST). There will be another 450 tickets up for grabs.

If you didn’t get a ticket this time, think of it this way… 450 less people attempting to go for tickets. See you on Sunday, good luck!

For more announcements and news on ticket updates, keep checking the SOS website and TSS.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.


  1. Hogfather you really need to check the article you posted a few days back. It linked everyone to a duff registration page!

    1. I fell for this duff page too. Fustrating as I was there early and refreshing the page every 2 seconds. Eventually at 7:05pm I realised something must be wrong and thats when I found out the page was useless.

    1. Sorry about that, but they were definately the links I got given at the time.

      1. I luckily managed to get mine, but I’m just thinking about everyone else. If you were given that link then it’s not your fault so try not to feel bad.

  2. Holy Crap!!! now it too quick, good thing I got it done with Auto-Fill Features for Google Chrome.
    I gust hope the final wave (wave 2) will be longer than 6 seconds

  3. I just about got one, they went Mega fast! The link may have been a duff, but all you do is click ‘tickets’ at the top of the page and it’ll take you to the correct page 🙂 Hint for sunday!

  4. Its it me, or is it really ironic that a Sonic the Hedgehog convention sold out as quickly as it did!!

    Still, I got my ticket – wohoo!!!

  5. Gotta say, not sure why everyone is blaming Hogfather for the duff link.

    Surely if you really wanted to go you would have gone and scoped the site out first to see what registering would involve instead of relying on just clicking a link someone else gave you?

  6. Me and a friend of mine got ours but I swear we took longer…maybe 15 seconds? We were talking on skype. I’m guessing as soon as you click the ticket and are on the “enter details” page you can take as long as you want.

    Also “gotta go fast!”

  7. How much are tickets to SOS anyways? I can’t go because I live all the way in the US, but I’m still curious…

  8. So Sad, That I Live In Finland… The Land Where Does NOT Even Anyone Know What “Sonic” Means… T_T

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