‘Run, Sonic, Run!’ Activity Book on the way

Run, Sonic, Run!


Hot on the heels of last years ‘Where’s Sonic?’ book, Macmillan Children’s Books are back with another activity book! ‘Run, Sonic, Run!’ is “A Super Sonic Activity Book” according to its cover, and is sure to be chock-full of many treats for youngsters to get their creative mitts on. The book is slated for release on the 7th November 2013 with an RRP of £4.99 according to the book’s Amazon page, so it’s quite a wait until it’s published! It seems like all the classic Sonic books from the 90’s are getting modernised for today’s generation!

Hit the jump for a small product description of what we can expect from this one!

There’s not much in the way of detail on the books product page (where you can also pre-order it!), but there is this little snippet of info:

Get set to meet Sonic and his friends in this awesome activity book, which is packed with puzzles, challenges and games to play. Test your knowledge of super-fast Sonic and his world – the heroes, the rivals and Sonic’s deadly arch-enemies. Sonic the Hedgehog is the fastest hedgehog in the world, and he’s always ready for a new adventure!

Think you’ll be picking this up – either for the activities or just as a collector’s item? Let us know down below!

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  1. Iam going to get new sonic book called Run Sonic Run on November 7th 2013 to read it.

    1. Thank you for specifying that you are going to read the book. If not I would have assumed you were going to use it as head-wear.

  2. What kind of things would be in it? Find-a-words with the characters? Oh well, at least the kiddies will like them =)

    1. If that is true, it would be a huge kick in the face to Sonic Adventure fans. Good observation. 😉

    2. I wouldn’t mind raising a Wisp in a Wisp Garden, but what your saying is highly unlikely because SEGA has apparently stopped making Chao Gardens and they are no longer put into the newer games.
      Sure they could bring back the Chao Gardens in a future game like Sonic Adventure 3 or something else, but raising Wisps?
      Not Possible, besides Sonic saved their Planets and they teleported back far out to space wherever that might be.
      Their better off that way!
      Unless there is a Sonic Colors 2?????

      1. Wow, people spend so much time whining about Sonic Adventure three or Sonic Heroes two or Shadow the hedgehog two, that I never even considered a sequel to one of the more modern games like Sonic colors two for example or Sonic Unleashed two.

        1. Would you relax. I wasn’t whining about anything, but I was pointing out that if the Wisps did return there would possibly be Sonic Colors 2, but it doesn’t even need to be called that. It could be called “Sonic Rainbow” or some other name like that I don’t know what ever works man.
          Did you even read the comments above mine? The guy was making a joke about how the Wisps are apparently becoming the new Chao and I replied by explaining why that would be impossible unless there was a sequel to Sonic Colors. I also went along with the joke saying that I wouldn’t mind raising a Wisp in a “Wisp Garden” an obvious joke towards the Chao Gardens from Adventure 1&2!

          1. How about a free download for PC, mobile, 360, PS3 and Wii U for Chao Garden. It will have Wisps too!

    3. That would certainly be interesting, it might also be marketing for Sonic Colours.

      Just for reference, at SOS2012 Iizuka said ” You want Chao Garden?” and lots of people put their hands up (as the interpreter or some other dude said to put your hands up if you want Chao Garden), then Iizuka said “Good. Good. I like it”.

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