New Ratings Suggest Sonic Drift 2 Finally Coming Overseas to 3DS eShop

Sonic Drift 2 screen 1

UPDATE: It’s been rated for Nintendo 3DS by the US ratings board the ESRB, too.

A new rating has appeared for the Game Gear title Sonic Drift 2, suggesting that the game may finally be heading overseas to the Nintendo 3DS eShop following its release last year in Japan. The racing title was rated January 8th by the Australian Classification Board, with SEGA Europe as publisher, meaning the game is likely at least heading to Australia and Europe sometime soon. Oddly, the game is listed for ‘DVD’ as the platform, but is most likely a mistake. We’ll let you know when we hear more.

Source: Australian Classification Board

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  1. HMm, thats grat, wasnt a bad game, proably on par to super mario kart on the SNES, and it was/is portable so thats an edge….. Say, lets see fighters was rereleased a couple months ago, and now drift 2, was triple trouble released on the 3ds shop? cause this means 2 out of 3 Fang/Nacks appearances have returned…. if TT was as well, then they might be planning something

    1. sorry, I dont have a 3ds, but I just heard that triple trouble was rereleased, which means every Fang/Nack appearance has been rereleased, all within a year, I sense something interesting going on here.

    1. a Dreamcast game would be too big a size for a handheld and also you will lose some of the resolution. I expect they have plans for Dreamcast games on Wii U. (and i hope it comes complete with VMU on touch screen and the option to have disc drive Hisssing sound coming from the controller’s speaker)

      1. I don’t think a Dreamcast game would be to big a size for the 3DS look at a few of the games. They have Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D and Tales of Abyss which are PS2 games and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and Star Fox 64 3D which are N64 games.
        Plus look at games like Resident Evil: Revelations, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, you can easily see they are technically and graphically better than any Dreamcast game.

        1. Still unlikely, as the 3DS eShop is currently on GB, GBC, GG, and NES games for retro. the more likely next consoles would probably be SNES, GBA and Mega Drive/Genesis (Any excuse for Sega to mass rerelease their MD/Genesis catalogue once again), and possibly the Masster System and other handhelds like the Neo Geo Pocket and Wonderswan.

  2. Either SEGA or Nintendo really hates America because we still haven’t got any other Sonic 3DS e-shop virtual console games aside from triple trouble.

    Sonic Blast and Sonic Labyrinth have been “TBD” on the e-shop for almost if not a whole year.

    Tried sending a tweet to SEGA of America about it and no one replied.

      1. They now release retail 3DS games on E-Shop as well as E-Shop games and VC games. They have been doing it since last summer and at first it was just first party games, but now they releasing (some) third party retail games on E-Shop as well.

  3. well this is no surprise “sort-off” but already got all Master System/Game Gear through Sonic Adventure DX – and it is better to save lots of space @:)

      1. I love the 3DS’ use of SD cards. I just found an 8gb SD card lying around the house, so now I have tons of memory! 😛

  4. That’s nice.


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