The Sonic Stadium is 12 Years Old This Week!

Tomorrow, The Sonic Stadium will have officially served the online community for twelve years. Twelve years! It’s crazy to wonder where all that time has gone (actually, no – best not to wonder!). From the humblest of beginnings in a tiny little 20MB hosted Angelfire fansite, to the information resource of the late 2000s through to the news blog you see today, I hope you have all enjoyed what we’ve had to offer on TSS over the years, and I thank you all for your continued support!

I’m working on a couple of surprises that should be ready either this week or the next, but in the meantime there’s a few celebratory and visual things that can more than pass the time. I’m working on a new banner for the site, and aim to give the site a general decorating for tomorrow.

TitansCreed was kind enough to interview me to talk about the history of the website and how far it’s all come – the first part of that will come later today, with a second part tomorrow. There’s some more video content from the archives that I’d just love to drag up and show you guys too. Stay tuned for that!

Again, thank you so much for your support – we’re just a bunch of huge Sonic fans, like you are. Our official birthday is onΒ October 24th, 2000. With TitansCreed’s interview kicking things off early, all that’s left to do is have something of a virtual toast to the site, the site staff, the forum and mods, SEGASonic Radio and its DJs, The Sonic Show (which is celebrating its sixth birthday at the moment), SEGADriven and its fantastic archive of SEGA info, and all of you who visit and help keep the site alive. Cheers!

~ Dreadknux

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. And the other proud TSS network member SEGADriven doesn’t get a mention!?!? Haha!

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow TSS! You’ve always been a massive inspiration and I’ve made a huge group of friends through your efforts! Cheers!

  2. In Wonga Tradition I shall say that you continue to im-breast… Er I mean impress me mate. Actually when did I ever congratulate you in this fashion? Ha ha… I guess I like being random, thanks to The Sonic Hour.

    But yeah in all seriousness have an excellent and well deserved birthday celebration Svend, it’s not often that you see sites like this continue to grow and prosper.

    Keep up the awesome work and keep on rockin’. If I was Jun Senuoe I’d say that all the fantastic times we’ve gone through together, it has been… ‘PAR-FECT’.

    Congratulations mate. *thumbs up* 😎

  3. Happy birthday The Sonic Stadium πŸ˜€ Here’s to 8 more years before TSS turns 20 πŸ˜€

  4. Happy Birthday TSS

    I’ve been here since 2005. I’m an oldie, but only recently signed up to the forums.

  5. I was gonna bring the gogo dancers and liquor, but you guys are only 12. Oh well, a moon bounce is just as good XD

  6. Quick! Grab some sparklers lets partay~!
    Happy 12th Birthday TSS! Good luck everyone and have an awesome day!

  7. Happy Birthday Stadium!
    The only place online where a person can get a negative 16 rep for saying he didn’t like SA2

    But in all seriousness, I can’t wait to turn my laptop on after getting up and head here to see the news, what’s been happening overnight and what new Sonic merchandise people have discovered

    After meeting Dreadknux at last years Boom I can say the man is a gentleman and scholar and I wish him and the site all the best for the future πŸ™‚

  8. Happy Birthday TSS!

    I am on this website everyday checking for more Sonic information and news.

    I’ve been following this site for a very long time. I can remember having dial up Internet and used the precious time I had on that to check this website.

    And for those who don’t know what dial up Internet is, then that’s me showing me age :L

  9. It’s surprising to see The Sonic Stadium hitting its landmark 12th birthday anniversary when it seems like only yesterday it was a little whipper-snapper in the big and intimidating world wide web. Now, it has made great strides in bringing together fans from across a world as cool and as blue as the blue dude with the ‘tude himself by providing media and activities along with news and happenings into one sweet spot. Things as Summer of Sonic, SegaSonic Radio and the Sonic Show were hardly thought of then but are now little luxuries at our fingertips for people as myself to enjoy. I wish each and everyone of The Sonic Stadium staff a bright and blue future. Yeah, and don’t forget to devour those chili dogs with the festivities over the next few days. You deserve ’em, because you do each of us in the community proud!


  10. PS: By the way, will there be a count made of TSS’s accomplishments? It would make a nice touch to have an article showing what has been done from day 1 to today, such as updated visit counts, new features and totally random coolness, for fans as I to admire.

    Yeah. ‘Nuff talking. See ya! *Returns to listening to his Sonic the Hedgehog music library and watching Sonic X and Saturday Morning Sonic while having a footlong chili dog sticking out of his mouth.*

  11. Haha. I remember the days that I spent looking forward to the latest Sonic news. I’ve been coming here since 2004, and this has always been, and always will be my favorite Sonic site.

    Happy Birthday, TSS! πŸ˜€

  12. Happy birthday to The Sonic Stadium! It’s hard to believe so much time has passed since I was an active community member. I’ve had a lot of reminiscing about what my time here has meant to me in my life, and ultimately I have to say it was a defining era in my young teenage life, when the internet was a much different landscape than it is now! TSS is still, and always will be, my #1 resource for all things Sonic. Thanks to Dreadknux and all the other people current and over the years that have helped to facilitate not only an excellent fansite, but also a supportive and engaging community. Cheers!

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TSS! I’ve been following you guys since the mid 2000s and all I can say is you all are awesome! I check your site out twice a day and yeah congrats!!!!

  14. Wow, I feel old. XD

    I remember when this site first came up. Heck, I remember going to The Sonic Foundation for awhile until this place came around!

    Happy Birthday Sonic Stadium! Stay wild, stay cool, and stay groovy. Β¦3

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