Sonic Jumping Onto Android in November!

Are you a Sonic fan with an Android phone? Then prepare to jump for joy!

In news that will no doubt please many, it has been revealed that the recently released Sonic Jump game for mobile – originally believed to be exclusive to iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad – is set to leap its way onto Android devices in November.

The revelation was made via SEGA’s official product page for Sonic Jump which now lists an Android release date in addition to the iOS devices, all of which are available now.

Stay tuned to TSS for all the latest on the Android release of Sonic Jump, but if you can’t wait until November, you can of course download it right now from the App Store for $1.99 US/£1.49/1,59 €. First impressions of the game seem to be positive thus far, so for all the Android users out there, it sounds like it’ll be worth the wait!

Source: SEGA

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Published by

Doctor MK

Tally-ho! Doctor MK is a writer and English Language enthusiast with a love of gaming, especially when it comes to Sonic! He's known for being fond of puns, so provide opportunities for wordplay at your peril. Founder of the Sonic Relief fundraising campaigns (2009-2011).


  1. Thank you. This may be the only game that i will actually spend money on for virtual ingame goods.

  2. I’m having so much fun with it on my iPhone, maybe I’ll get it for my tablet so I can support SEGA some more haha!

    1. November is only a couple of weeks away, so it’s not necessarily going to be a very long wait!

  3. I just bought Sonic 4 on Android to test my Samsung Stellar’s capabilties and now this? *sigh*. Trying to buy everything Sonic gets tiring sometimes.

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