NiGHTS into Dreams, Sonic Adventure 2 now on PSN

NiGHTS into Dreams and Sonic Adventure 2 have finally debuted on the American PSN store. Both games are available for $10 apiece. I don’t believe Sonic Adventure 2 needs any endorsement around here, but I would strongly recommend NiGHTS into Dreams. Download, play, love!

These two games should be arriving on the European PSN store tomorrow. XBLA users can expect them on Friday. For the launch trailer and screenshots for SA2HD, go here.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


    1. Yes, Wednesday is when the market gets updated, but most of the new content comes out on Friday on XBL I just hope they added the 3 Trophy’s for the DLC on Xbox so I can get 450/450 or what ever the Total would be.

      1. Nice, the DLC achievements are work 100 GS, I expected it to be 50 like SA1 but I’m glad I am wrong. 500/500 here I come!

  1. I was surprised its over 3 Gigs, went to get the demo so I could check it out in HD since I’m getting this on Xbox 360 and not PSN, man with my slow internet this will take hours to download. :/

      1. Lol I literally have no space on my PS3 anymore, mines the good old 80 Gig, with this I probably have only 5 Gigs left.

          1. I have a PS3 with like 111 Gigs of memory, and thanks to Record of Agarest War, Infamous, Persona 3 FES, and almost all the downloadable sonic games PSN has, I have like 33 left!

  2. With a $20 PSN card, you can get both games with 2 cents to spare. Not enough for DKC though.

  3. Mine is not downloading,
    Is the game is supposed to be only 6KG??? When I download it, it does not show, feels like I wasted 10 bucks for nothing.

    1. That’s the unlock key. You should have been prompted to download the demo as well. If not, check your list of downloads.

      1. ok so downloading the demo is pretty much the whole game right? because i downloaded the unlock key first,
        this is the first time i done this type of download before

        1. Yes, the Demo is the full game just locked, you already got the unlock key downloaded so all you got to do is download the demo and then you can play all of it.

      1. Yes, it does. But, at least you can vote multiple times! And IGN posted a video telling everyone to vote for Sonic! /watch?v=yLyYp_ERjFE&feature=g-u-u

    1. Most of us PC gamers have been waiting, what nearly a decade for a PC version of Sonic Adventure 2?

  4. In another post it said that the DLC was supposed to be released on Friday, but in the actual game itself theres an option to download content and when you click it it takes you the the PSN store and it shows the DLC.

  5. i fort they said the 3rd what a bitch! why release it friday i dont get it wednesday is when xbox update well in UK enyway

  6. OH MY GOD – The Download speed for SA2 is slow at best and sloth-like at worst. Come on!!

  7. Hey I downloaded Sonic Adventure 2 but when I was playing the game I noticed some of the in-game cut-scenes were not in widescreen is anyone else getting this problem or is it just me.

  8. I won’t be getting Sonic Adventure 2 because I already have an all A-Ranked file on the Gamecube, but I did grab NiGHTS into Dreams… and man, it is a really great port. REALLY great port. Sonic CD and NiGHTS both get such fantastic treatment on PSN. NiGHTS is just such a wonderful game to be restored in HD, and how it lets you play the original Saturn Version, and the Christmas Version, that is just kickass. The only problem is how LONG it takes to download, and I guess the same goes for Sonic Adventure 2! I mean, MAN! Both these games are awesome however, so definitely worth the 2-3 hour wait.

  9. *Plays SA2B on Gamecube while people wait for an overhyped “HD” port of the same exact game on current-gen consoles*

    1. Ehh I could play it right now, I have the Dream Cast and Game Cube versions, but for me it would be pointless.

      Only had fun in SA2 back when I would compete with my cousin to see who could make the better Chao and get more A-Ranks, but those years are over. It coming out on XBL gives me that competition feeling again with achievements, leader-boards, and I am also letting two friends game share it. Oh yeah and I also want to play it in HD. lol

  10. What is it with battle DLC suddenly being 4,50 € in EU PSN? It IS supposed to be 2,50 €, right?

    This is madness! I’m not gonna buy it for that price! But I want chao karate D:

  11. You can get sa2 and nights via I have queued em so when I get home they will be waiting to download πŸ™‚

  12. You can get sa2 and nights via I have queued em so when I get home they will be waiting to download πŸ™‚

  13. Got home with 1hr before I have to go out again – just enough time for a beer and some SA2 on Xbox, I though… but I too am getting this damn error code!! πŸ™

  14. yep, i have the error when i try to open the game page on xbox live and i live in the uk

      1. Found a way. Go to, sign in, and buy it from there. Should work. Mine is downloading now. Taking awhile, but downloading.

        1. Still aint letting me buy it. Man this sucks. SA2 and Nights are the ONLY games I can’t download!

    1. strange when i went to it’s game page on just a minate ago, i managed to download it and i also live in the uk

  15. SA2 is now out on US Xbox LIVE Marketplace. It gave me an error when trying to download off the console, but it works fine when you go to their website and queue it.

  16. Has anyone else been able to get to the xbox page without the error?
    I tried to do it online, but no matter how many times I tell microsoft I am an adult, after tow years they refuse to acknowledge.

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