First Footage of S&ASR Transformed 3DS Released


Today, Nintendo of America revealed the first gameplay footage of the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed …and it’s looking pretty good. The tracks shown look identical to their console counterparts, which is a big step-up to how the Nintendo DS version of the first game compared to the console version. It looks like Sumo Digital is really taking advantage of the extra power of the Nintendo 3DS. You can check out the gameplay footage in the video above.

Source: The Sonic Show (via SEGA Driven)

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  1. I thought SUMO said they have a special team working on the 3DS version? So they are working on it?? Sweet! I cannot wait to have this game in my hands where I can see the beautiful graphics on the nice screen! Filters always look horrible…

    1. They mean a special team within Sumo Digital. Sumo Digital is made up of more than one development team. For example, another of their teams was working on new Xbox 360 Kinect game Nike + Kinect Training.

  2. YES! YES! OM…G???!?!?!? Lol.

    Great…there goes another $250 in the near future (don’t have a 3DS yet).

    1. Funny we mention this, I am selling my old Flame Red 3DS really cheap. It’s in really good condition, so if you’re interested, let me know!

  3. We’ll probably lose the water physics on this version though-I’m getting console anyhow-I still wouldn’t mind 3DS in portable situations and I might too.

  4. Am I the only one that’s getting about 6 seconds of video before some little girl cuts in and starts yelling?

  5. I love my 3ds – got it for holidays / to play 3d Sonic Generations and its great – the fact that it plays old DS games also meant I could play Sonic Rush and Colours (as a PS3 owner this meant I never could before then!!)

    This game looks good – well from all of 4 seconds,have pre ordered the limited editions of both this version and PS3 version so cannot wait to see how both match up to each other!

    1. Yeah, and the DS version was pretty good looking for it’s time. I love 3DS’ graphics 🙂

  6. I just thought this should be noted for any one still planning order S&ASRT Bonus from Amazon of US it’s release date changed from Nov. 20th to Dec 11th.

  7. But….the PS Vita version looks infinitely better, as it is running the same engine and will have the same content as the consoles!!! Look it up on PocketGamer.

    1. But of course…the Vita is pretty much a portable PS3. Whether it or the 3DS version will display problems with framerate remains to be seen.

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