Sonic Adventure 2 Xbox 360 Achievements Revealed

Are you looking to up your gamerscore when Sonic Adventure 2 hits Xbox Live Arcade on Xbox 360 next month? Well, the list of Achievements has just been revealed, and we have it available for you after the jump so you can prepare yourself. There are a total of 12 Achievements to earn with a maximum gamerscore of 400.

Think you can take on these Achievements? Let us know in the comments.


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      1. Well, the word “hell” is used a lot these days, so it wouldn’t be too much of a problem to put it in an E rated game.

      1. There’s an achievement for getting all A-ranks so that’s the de-facto “All Emblems” achievement

  1. Dude, I could do this blindfolded. I played that game so much, Im ready for any achievement they throw at me.

  2. Are they doing anything different to the chao gardens?
    I’d love if they grew up a bit quicker, or had a better way to raise their stamina. I would probably end up spending days raising them again just to get a chaos chao anyway… but it would be nice if something speeded along the process.

  3. The name “Heaven or Hell” just irritates me. i wish they put overworld and underworld. It sounds more kid friendly…then again the rating is E10+.

    1. Because that would sound stupid. And really, in this day and age, saying “Hell” really doesn’t carry the taboo that it used to.

      1. No, but to religious people, it does matter.

        I’m very religious, and now I probablt won’t even touch the “Hell” Garden, just because SEGA named it that.

        Hero and Overworld Garden FTW!

        1. Even so, it is just a place. If you won’t touch “Hell” garden, then might as well reconsider not playing the bad guys of the Dark story.
          & besides, Heaven or Hell is a sick achievement/trophy name – reminds me of Guilty Gear.

    1. Yeah I noticed that. I am like, Did Ubisoft ask for sega to advertise them. Probably sega doesn’t mind considering they probably get money for it. (thank god for that)

  4. Can’t wait til it arrives on Steam!! I miss this game soo much… it was the sole reason why I brought a Dreamcast back in the day.

  5. Don’t forget, these are just the achievements for the normal version of SA2. The Battle DLC is bound to add more.

  6. I’ve never successfully gotten all ‘A’ emblems before.

    My efforts to play Green Hill have all been disingenuous in the past (for the Dreamcast I downloaded a save to do it and on the GameCube I used an Action Replay to cheat my way in).

  7. OH NO NO WAY IM NOT GOING TROUGH GETTING ALL A’S AGAIN I can take on the hero and dark chao thing seeing as thats the most easiest things to do ( Just keep petting them and then spam em with fruits till there stamina 16 BOOM evolution) But no im not doing all a ranks and emblems

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