UPDATE: GOING LIVE! Win Summer of Sonic Tickets on SEGASonic:Radio PreLaunch!

UPDATE [12:47PM BST]! We’re about to go live in less than 13 minutes! Click here to listen in, click here to join the IRC Chat! Participating in the chat is the only way to get a chance at winning, so good luck!

The waves have come and gone. Tickets gone in the blink of an eye on each occasion. Defeated, you’ve resigned yourself of your hopes to visit Summer of Sonic 2012 in sunny Brighton…

In that case, what the heck are you doing!? You’ve got one more chance to get a ticket here! Quit moping around and listen up!

The Summer of Sonic website has revealed that 10 tickets remain! How do you get one of these tickets? What does this have to do with SEGASonic: Radio? Head on after the jump for full details!

We have an extra 10 tickets for Summer of Sonic this year, and we will be giving them away today (Tuesday 26th of June) to 10 very lucky Sonic fans!

SEGASonic:Radio, The Sonic Stadium’s internet radio station has recently been undergoing refurbishment and will soon be returning to the airwaves. As a pre-launch event, SS:R will be back for one night only tomorrow, broadcasting between 6pm – 11pm BST, with five shows bringing you Sonic tunes old and new! During those shows, our DJs will be giving away 5 pairs of Summer of Sonic tickets to lucky listeners!

So how do you win these tickets? Well, you’ll just have to tune in to find out! (Let’s just say it might help to know your Summer of Sonic history!)

Whether you need a ticket or not, come along and tune in to all of the Pre-SoS fun, and chat to other Sonic fans via the IRC Chatroom!

Details on how to listen in will become available later today, so keep your eyes firmly fixed on this site!

Original text here.

Will you try your chance at getting a ticket one more time? Or will you tune in to join the shenanigans during SS:R’s prelaunch? Let us know in the comments!

[EDIT: Details on how to tune in are now available on the SoS website! – T-Bird]

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by


Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


  1. I’d love to try and get a ticket. But sadly I live way to far to even get there, and It’s just going to be way to expensive to go. But good luck to those that try.

  2. SSR RETURNS…..but I have my graduation ceremony, and here the relaunch will be from 1PM Eastern US Time to 6PM ET U.S. So I won’t be listening. Still great to see it return though.

      1. Right right sorry about that! XD Still won’t be able to hear though, but my graduation comes first.

  3. Just out of curiosity, have you heard about the rumor (or it maybe confirmed) that DLC for sonic generations would have Ice Cap, Hidden Palace, Starlight Carnival, and Dragon Road. Please respond if you can.

  4. Ummm…can someone help me because don’t know how to enter the competition, can someone please help me?

  5. I cannot believe that I have lost another chance to get tickets yet again! I just realised that someone replied to me the same day when they were going to sell the ten tickets. But because I have been extremely busy with different things, I only just read the person’s message today, the day after the tickets were being sold! So, I was already too late!
    This is not going well for me at all! I missed the last one on the Summer of Sonic website due to them being completely sold out in 43 seconds and that I had to check that all the details in the form were not misspelled due to typing so fast so that I don’t lose my chance. Now I missed this one due to being extremely busy! I am not having any luck at all! I have never been to the Summer of Sonic or any other Sonic conventions in all my life! I am left really tearful now because I lost mh chance the second time! This is not fair!

  6. Oh, I missed it again! This time, I was so busy. By the time I realised about this, it was already too late! I cannot believe this! I have missed my second chance now! I never went to a Sonic convention before! I really wanted to go! I am really angry and tearful! I feel completely heartbroken! I am having no luck at all! I just wish that someone in their heart would give me two tickets for me and my mum. But please don’t do that for the sake of it. It’s just if anyone is going there but don’t really care about Sonic, but just to be social there, then really they have to lose their tickets because that would be pointless and selfish to go there and not liking Sonic. Or if someone could reserve the two tickets for me, please! I already lost my chance with the final wave and already lost another from being busy and not knowing about the Sonic radio selling 10 tickets! I desperately want to go! Please!

  7. Does anyone know if there’s a place where I can download the show now that it’s finished? I’d love to listen to it again.

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