Start Your Engines… “Major Announcement” for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Due Tomorrow Alongside Celebrity Appearance!

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to rev up your hype engines! GoNintendo has reported that SEGA themselves have informed them of a major announcement regarding Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, due to be announced at their E3 booth tomorrow.

What’s more, SEGA are promising a celebrity guest will make an appearance at the booth alongside the announcement. Just who could it be? And what significance do they hold with regards to the reveal, for that matter?

The official statement received by GoNintendo was as follows:

This Tuesday at the SEGA E3 Booth, SEGA will be making a major announcement for their upcoming title Sonic & All-stars Racing Transformed. There will be a large reveal, celebrity appearance and photo/video opportunities.

Due to the fact that SEGA sent this specifically to GoNintendo has got people speculating that this will be an official announcement for a Wii U version of the game, a rumour reported earlier in the week here on TSS. However, the game is already heading to the 3DS, so there’s no guarantee of it being that. It’s a mystery, I tells ya!

The announcement is scheduled for 1PM West Coast time. Stay tuned for all the latest on this big reveal and let us know in the comments what you think SEGA might be hiding up their sleeves!

Source: GoNintendo

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Published by

Doctor MK

Tally-ho! Doctor MK is a writer and English Language enthusiast with a love of gaming, especially when it comes to Sonic! He's known for being fond of puns, so provide opportunities for wordplay at your peril. Founder of the Sonic Relief fundraising campaigns (2009-2011).


    1. Ok this was just to get this near the top…
      So, we know that it’s a pretty big announcment. My best guess is that THE GAME IS COMIN’ TO WII U!
      Apparently, a playstation 4 is out in 2013 but I wouldn’t expect that.
      Mobile is unlikely.
      Celebrity? Got no idea, leaving that to u.
      I hope it’s a few new characters announced during the announcment… funny if I guessed right.

    1. errr I reread the article and I want to say its saart wii u (probably) or its coming to mobile

      1. It’s definitely coming to Wii U, and hopefully as a launch title too! Then I’ll get Mario Bros Wii U AND Racing Transformed….and hopefully Rayman Legends, if that’s a lunch title too!

        I’m just soo excited for the Wii U!

        1. For me getting the wii u version will depend on one thing, the banning of the xbox 360 (type in xbox 360 ban in Germany, US could be next), although theres a 3ds version and I’m keeping that option open

          1. Don’t know why it would be banned in America :/

            I’ll be getting mine for the 360 ^^’ Heh. Already have that console, no Wii U nor any intentions to get one eventually.

            …But I’m looking forward to the announcement.

          2. @Grassy – Because Motorola is suing MS, and if Motorola wins, MS can no longer sell 360s in the US.

          3. @Gassy: no I already have a 360, but idk if the ban will affect the sale of xbox 360 games and if it does how long before the games are banned permanently

    1. Sonic should not be yelling at Shadow.

      …Yelling at a guy in a tank is always a bad idea, hedgehog or not. Live and Learn, Sonic.

        1. They tried that with the 1st game (Wii exclusive). They also tried Kirby this time around, but Nintendo won’t budge.

      1. 🙁 Kirby could of had an all star move where he can suck all his oppenents up or use the final smash move from brawl, heck even the microphone/bomb power could be cool.

    1. Classic Sonic is not real. There’s only one Sonic. Only reason Classic Sonic existed was because of going back in time. That’s over now; now it’s just back to one Sonic. 🙂

        1. Err…need you be so rude? He probably didn’t know you were talking about the model.

          1. Yeah, I actually did not know you were talking about a model – how about next time you mention it?

            That was very rude, and comments like that only make me feel worse about myself. Thank you.

          2. To be fair, it wasn’t like the game was gonna follow any sort of canon anyway. I wonder how you assumed it wouldn’t be a model?

    2. Hey, now a bad idea! Classic Sonic is an imaginable character.
      Although the anniversary is over, wouldn’t expect it.

  1. Nope I feel they are going to a curve ball and announce something non releated…. SA2?

  2. Aliens Colonial Marines,Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed and a new yet-to-be-announced Creative Assembly title will be the last of SEGA’s final packaged 3rd party releases. Effective February 1,2013. SEGA will no longer publish console gaming platform titles.

    So the Wii U port of this game will be confirmed tomorrow. But DON’T look for it as a launch title.

    P.S. No SEGA of Europe is not shutting down. Ignore the headline and read the report.

      1. “On the eve of E3 2012, we are able to learn, according to our sources deemed credible, that Sega Europe should close down in the coming months and all local branches in Europe as Sega France. This is partly a consequence of the ineffectiveness of the strategy Sega for several years is to develop games by Western developers. In the aftermath, Sega should also announce, according to these sources, not to develop AAA games on consoles, but to focus on games and mobile phones dematerialized particular tablet. The last headline Sega developed by Creative Assembly will be presented at the 2012 E3 in a few days. For information, remind that Sega has announced that it will not be at GamesCom 2012.”

        Emphasis on “A Dematerialized Particular Tablet”. Because SEGA is preparing to enter the Android market with their own tablet.

        And don’t worry, Sega of Europe isn’t shutting down. They’re re-organizing. The source is referring to the disbanding of “Sega of Europe” and the formation of Sega Orbi Europe.

      1. They are re-organizing. The report about Sega of Europe shutting down is fake. But not what’s stated in the article regarding SEGA’s future plans. Plus the site is a well known legit French gaming site. They just got the restructuring report mixed up. The report is probably conflicted because Mike Hayes is being let go this month.

        Sega will not be publishing non digital multi-platform titles much longer anyway.

  3. If it’s a “celebrity” that is somehow related to the sonic series… Then all I can think of would be Jaleel White. I have no clue who it could be if not him.

    Mario Mii,,,well, miis sucks anyway.
    Sonic transformed
    Rayman legend

  5. Omg you guys, what if it’s Segata Sanshiro along with an announcement of him being a playable character!?

  6. Lol. Watch – it’s Ryan Drummond! XD (Ultimate troll by Sega, btw. It’d be hilarious though XD)

    Probably Wii U “official” announcement.

    1. – WTF I wanted Jason Griffith!
      – No, we wanted Jaleeel White!!
      – NOO, we’ve always wanted Roger Smith!

      Ahhhhh you got to love those types of people 😛

  7. You know the celebrity could be Jun Senoue, Johnny Cash or even Roger Craig Smith announcing the wii u addition of the game.

  8. Hm, yes, I was about to get the PS3 version, but actually, if it comes on the Wii U, I might get that instead… just to gimme something to play. Plus, I did get the first game on Wii, so this will be a better system to buy the sequel on. However, in terms of version exclusives… will they do it? (Besides Mii.) I mean, they were gonna get Mario in the first one, but agreed that it’s better for them to only crossover in the Mario & Sonic series. So…. I dunno. I’m seeing you guys talk about Kirby in the game, but I have absolutely no idea where that’s from. Either way, I hope they at least do something unique on the Wii U.

  9. HEY Shadow that paintjob caused me a lot of rings so your just gonna let it slide with your big g.u.n tank thingie and bash my car

  10. It might be one of the current voice actors Making a surprise apperence at E3 it would be cool to be playing SAASRT then hearing Roger craig smith coming in using his Sonic voice! Too bad I can’t go, I live on the other side of the world and have school..

  11. id say pit from kid icarus as wii u and 3DSexclusives but that would be silly

  12. So what time’s this in BST? In fact, what timezone is ‘West Coast Time?’ I don’t have the information!

  13. It has to be 1970’s trousers mode!! That or the big announcement is steve lycett deconfirming something. Ah how i love SASASR jokes…

  14. Nintendo’s press conference has been met with lackluster response from just about every single game site. The system’s launch lineup looks pitiful and its 1st party lineup is EVEN WORSE.

    This is SEGA’s moment. They can now steal the show with their final 3rd party lineup and prepare everyone for their new gaming tablet “Gamus Vision” or “Sega Notebook”.

  15. And that they have a partnership where she will Drive a Sega Branded Nascar Car.

  16. Its been confirmed.

    But it really doesn’t matter. The Wii U’s lineup is so underwhelming that its nice for a change to see that Sega of Europe is able to do something different. I also suspect it won’t look any different from the PS3 version.

    Oh, and it WILL not launch with the console, the release date is set for December.

    Like I said, Aliens Colonial Marines will be the official LAST SEGA 3rd party physical form release.

  17. Well I was exspicting shadow’s car to be the buggie from sonic06 and for the bolte to be the hovercraft, but it’s cool they made it look like G.U.N (sonic ad2):)

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