Summer of Sonic Tickets Gone in Under Three Minutes!


One word alone is enough to summarize anyone’s reaction toward this, as Wave 1 of Summer of Sonic 2012 tickets went and gone by in under three minutes; the 400 free tickets being distributed have been sold out only mere moments after the wave went up, lasting from 12:30 to 12:33 BST.

To those who haven’t managed to get their tickets, you’re too slow! a second wave will be announced this weekend with all needed details including the distribution date, so brace yourselves: like the first wave, it’s on a “first come, first serve” basis!

In comparison, last year’s convention, which brought special guests such as Yuji Naka and Takashi Iizuka to celebrate Sonic’s 20th anniversary, took almost ten hours to give out 700 tickets! This, in conjunction with the surprisingly brief giveaway and the recent announcement of Crush 40 attending this year’s convention, is a sure sign of exponentially rising demand and anticipation for SOS 2012!

For inquiries concerning ticket reservations and other issues, you may direct yourselves to the full report on the Summer of Sonic webpage.

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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


  1. Free tickets.. I hope everyone who gets one will really go to that event, and not juts get them for “haha now 1 sonic fan can’t!”

    Anyway I sadly still can’t go to SoS this year, I hope someday I can. 🙂 Till then I’ll watch videos of others who went there…

  2. So will the distribution method be exactly the same as the first wave or are you still discussing that?

    1. It’s being discussed Ben as we know many are disappointed they have missed out. Needless to say the team will go with whatever we deem the fairest method of distribution.

  3. Damn.
    Can’t go this year either.
    Maybe in a few years (presuming it’s still going) me and my friend can both come down if I can’t go next year either.

  4. It’s no use! That second wave of tickets will be gone in another three minutes.

  5. The organizers should’ve charged something to avoid idiots just grabbing them because they’re free

    1. SoS is a free event for anyone to attend – however there is little point in getting a ticket if you’re not going, as you will need proof of ID on the door.

  6. I think its abit unfair to the people/ family’s that read the terms and conditions , because once there finished reading them the tickets are gone. ive still got to get my ticket , i need two as me and my little bro wanna come down to it again. also the reason the 700 didn’t sell so fast last year, because the tickets were for early entry so people knew they could still get in, but now its ticket only, that’s what’s causing everyone to rush for the tickets.

    1. Unfortunately, this is just how fast people were in snapping up tickets, and that can’t be changed. Though, having the terms and conditions available before the tickets are posted can be. Of course, nobody on the team expected how fast the tickets were going to go, so they didn’t realised there wouldn’t be enough time to read the stuff, but hopefully they’ve learned from the experience.

      The reason tickets have now become compulsory is because last year had several hundred more people than the room could hold, trying to attend the event, and since tickets were fast-tracked in, this meant many people were left shut outside of the event for the entire day. The tickets are being used to control the numbers this time.

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