Sonic Boom Tickets On Sale Next Week, Crush 40 Performance Confirmed

Tickets for the US Sonic the Hedgehog convention, Sonic Boom, will go on sale next Monday, 19th of March. Unlike last year’s application process, the tickets will be be distributed through Ticketmaster, from which entry can be purchased for the cost of $15 + a $5 fee ($20 in total).

The fee has been introduced this year in order to insure that those aquiring tickets are more likely attend the event (with some last year claiming tickets they had no itention to use). Included in the ticket price are two complimentary drinks along with food at the event itself, saving you from having to bring money along for consumables.

Already confirmed for the event is a performance from Crush 40, accompanied by Alex and Jean-Paul Makhlouf of Cash Cash…that alone should make it worth it for the ticket price!

It is also confirmed that you do not need a SDCC pass to attend the event.

More details on the event, taking place on Friday the 13th of July, 2012 (5:00 PM – 10:00 PM) at the House of Blues in San Diego, are available on the SEGA Blog.

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Does this mean Crush 40 won’t be at the summer of sonic this year. Or are they going to be at both conventions this year. I know jun senoue attended SOS last year and I really hope that both of them can be there this year.

    1. Jun Senoue was also at Sonic Boom 2o11 last year,which took place before SoS 2011,so I doubt he won’t be able to make it Sos 2012 🙂

  2. Then they’ll probably just have Sonic 4 ep 2 on display….or sonic generations….<<

  3. Im gonna be at Comic-con I will find a way to get in if I cant get a ticket, I will not miss this lol.

  4. I would love to go, but I cant make the trip to San Diego. And I swear to god, if Cash Cash Sings anything, Ill kill myself. (Not literally, I love my life)

    I hope Cash Cash doesn’t last much longer in Sonic’s history. I just don’t like their music. I mean, their remixes for Sonic Generations were good, but not every game will have a nice remix for them to do. I cant stand their original music, especially what they did for Sonic Colors.

  5. Now to wait for tickets to go on sale…

    Last year’s Sonic Boom was amazing. I’m totally looking forward to being there again this year!

    1. Hey dude, remember me? I was that one kid with the black hair in the front of the concert and stuff. I was also running around playin dat classic sonic in generations. :p

  6. Now, I’m not sure, but given Yuji Naka, for example, made it to both Sonic Boom AND Summer of Sonic last year, I don’t see why Crush 40 couldn’t do the same-granted, this year Sonic Boom and SoS ARE only about 6(?) days apart… so who knows? (Though Jun has noted on Twitter that he planned to sign Generation CE’s last year-so who knows? :3)

  7. Hopefully the SOS’12 tickets go on sale on a Sunday like usual because that’s when most people (including me…) aren’t working. Those things sell out fast…

  8. I hope Crush40 can come to SoS2012 this year, please!

    We missed them last year, and SoS started it all!

    If its an issue of money, take mine! Ill pay for their flights myself.

      1. Im being serious, surely everyone could see that Julien K was no match for Jun alone, let alone Crush40 from the previous year.

        No disrespect meant to them, naturally, but we need Crush40!

  9. I think Naka and Iizuka only made it to Boom last year because it was during (and next door to) E3.. but if they’re going to SOS I’ll gladly swap them for CashCash 😀

    I wonder how fast tickets will sell out.. *looking outside in the rain, pondering*

  10. How many people ordered tickets that they knew they were’nt going to use? I guess they were trying to make a quick buck off of them, but I’m glad SEGA thought ahead and are trying to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen again.

  11. Who do we need to bribe to ensure the fab Crush40 crew come to merry olde England, too? I have my paypal in another tab ready and waiting… 🙂

    More seriously, grats to the US-based folks who’ll be going to this, sounds like it’ll be a blast. I eagerly await news of what SoS2012 will bring – we’ve been promised the best yet, I have no doubt SEGA and the SoS crew will deliver in spades.

  12. Hope you US Sonic fans have fun and I hope Crush40 come to SOS12 but if they don’t then it won’t be a total loss for me as I will be meeting Johnny next month when he tours Europe and the UK with Axel Rudi Pell

  13. Oh boy… I sense Monday is gonna be a very bust day in the US. Man I wish Sonic Boom was free like last year, but I understand what happened. So yeah, this makes sense and it’s a good way to keep things under control.

  14. Luckily for me I live about a hour away from where they will be preforming. I bought my tickets and I can’t wait to see them live. I will be taking lots of photo, and camera video footage. =D

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