Game Gear Games Hit EU 3DS eShop This Week

European gamers will finally be able to relive SEGA’s portable history with the launch of the Game Gear Virtual Console on Nintendo 3DS eShop this Thursday.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble will be available for €5/£4.50, Shinobi for €4/£3.60, and Dragon Crystal for €3/£2.70. In the US, Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble has topped the eShop charts in both the game and video categories for the week ending March 26th 2012.

Sources: Eurogamer and Nintendo Everything

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  1. Triple trouble?

    Was never that big a fan…..the graphics were just too odd and the level design a poor sonic chaos. still, for £4.50….

  2. Play it before and 100% completed through Sonic Mega Collection/Sonic Mega Collection Plus/Sonic Gem Collection/Sonic Adventure DX (PS2/XBOX Classic/GameCube) I am not too worry about but it is better to get on a disk format type because it will saved lots of space@:) (and maybe saves some money)

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