Soundtrack Review – Sonic Generations: Blue Blur & Anniversary Releases

Soundtrack collectors have had their pockets rinsed dry over the last year with the release of a whole plethora of Sonic albums to sate the appetites of those looking for the sounds of the old and new.

It’s only suiting that a celebration of twenty years of Sonic has substantial representation from the music that accompanied it, and I’m sure if you’ve played Sonic Generations you will have thoroughly enjoyed the bombardment of familiar tunes that come with a convolution of something new.

Like many big title soundtracks of recent, the physical release of the Sonic Generations Official Soundtrack: Blue Blur comes stuffed onto three separate CDs containing the bulk of tunes featured on both the Xbox 360 / PS3 release of the game along with the DS songs as well. In fact, the first two discs comprise mainly of the main stage themes, to give some idea of the amount of material that has been revamped for the game.

Hataya and Senoue take the reins on the re-arrangements for the early nineties, handling classic and modern Sonics stages respectfully; Hataya carefully rejuvenates the 16-bit classics as far as percussion, leaving the familiarity of the rhythm and melodies as they were, while Senoue re-energises act 2, drawing upon his trademark bass lies and ska-punk elements where appropriate. Conversely the act 2 tunes become the familiar realm for the adventure era-tracks, maintaining on the most part their original sounds with the exception of City Escape which adopts new vocals and verses from Ted Poley and Tony Harnell. The classic Sonic tracks for this period see some substantial reworking, taking on a mesmerising, pounding beat and some dazzling synthesiser voices that add a new layer of depth while retaining the originality. Most notably with the City Escape, Speed Highway and Radical Highway tracks, Cash Cash’s signature touch refresh to an astounding level, and in many cases fans will find preference with these re-workings over the originals. Even with the modern era stages which have only aged a few years see their themes remastered by their original composers, who have lovingly restored their tracks at two different paces for both acts.

What really brings this soundtrack to life personally are the little extras that are hidden away – the Endless Mine (Sonic the Hedgehog 3) melody snuck into Escape from the City, to menu tunes reprising their past counterparts. Amongst the gems of this soundtrack are the Circuit Freq Shadow tracks that recapture the dark vibes of Sonic Adventure 2, and the disgustingly awesome synth-pop rock delivered by Cash Cash with the Big Arms and Super Sonic Racing tracks. Not only this, but the composers have pandered to pedants like myself to bestow two versions of the Metal Sonic rival battle track for fans of the Japanese and US soundtracks.

Unfortunately the sheer quantity of content produced from this game has meant that not everything could feature on this compilation, and much is lost from this collection. Amongst those themes discarded from the soundtrack are several of the unlockable tracks, and the wonderful white-space stage themes (including that fantastic ‘jazz flute’ Chemical Plant Zone track) just aren’t long enough…even if they are only looped in the game and come around a second time in the White Space Medley.

The price tag for this three-disc dose of Sonic is not small, weighing in at 4200 yen. If you’re serious about your Sonical music however, this is definitely the best pick as far as new content goes, and is definitely the pick out of the releases of the last year. [5/5]

Price: ¥4200 (£32 / $50)

As well as the release of this soundtrack, we’ve also included a guide to the other soundtracks that have become available to purchase, along with a review of what we recommend!

Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2 Official Soundtrack (Masato Nakamura)

It’s hard to believe the latency between the release of Sonic the Hedgehog for the genesis and the official publication of what is probably one of the most well-known videogame soundtracks of all time. So here, twenty years after Sonic first hit the shelves, Nakamura-san has collated the sounds to the first two instalments of Sonic the Hedgehog into one CD collection. While this might not seem like a fantastic purchase to many as rips of those tracks permeate the internet, the package contains a whole boat load of extras. A second disc contains a complete set of the demo versions of each of the songs on the first disc, excavated and re-mastered especially for this release. While to the less discerning fan many of these tracks sound like the original tunes run through a different soundcard, many of the demos give an insight into the original composition and in many cases sound like they have been lifted straight from a Dreams Come True album. The tempo, which is notably slower in many of the later tracks, gives some of the themes a very different ambience. A third disc also includes original versions of SWEET SWEET SWEET, the song reprised for the ending theme of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, in addition to the AKON mixes from Sonic ’06…which, let’s face it, isn’t a big selling point, but are a cool little extra to complete the set.

Although this is a fun album with some interesting material notes, it will likely only garner limited appeal from perhaps only those of you who are really enthusiastic about the retro soundtracks. [4/5]

Price: ¥3500 (£27 / $43)

Sonic the Hedgehog CD Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition

Many fans harbour a bias towards a version of the Sonic the Hedgehog CD soundtrack they prefer; in most cases (including my own) this is probably down to whichever you have had increased exposure to as a youngster. Whatever your inclination, I implore you to give the converse soundtrack a thorough listening to as they greatly alter the atmosphere of the game [thanks to the wizardry of Christian Whitehead, you can do that in the downloadable version of CD – if you haven’t bought it yet, why not?]. Although the US counterpart soundtrack made it to print at time of release of the game, the Japanese / EU version has not been available to now. Although this soundtrack contains the songs to the game which have been easily accessible for the best part of two decades, it does include some new content in the form of Crush 40’s version of Sonic Boom (the original US version), and a C40 vs. Cash Cash Stardust Speedway track. While possibly not a motivating reason to part with your cash, this is definitely one of the most defining soundtracks out there, released at a time when the we’re once again reminded what an awesome title it was…especially for the music from both the east and the west. [4.5/5]

Price: ¥3500 (£19 / $29)
iTunes download £7.99 / $9.99

History of Sonic: 20th Anniversary Edition

While it’s pretty hard to come by most of the physical releases containing earlier recorded Sonic tracks, SEGA have been kind enough to re-release a lot of material in the form of compilations. Although this is ideal for those new to collecting soundtracks, only a few years have passed since the release of True Blue and True Colours – two other compilations of “best of” tracks. Having said that this package does have its merits; True blue and True Colours focus heavily on Sonic and support character themes while History contains a wider selection of the more memorable instrumental tunes – it even includes a Knuckles Chaotix track in the form of Midnight Garden, the first track from this title to feature on a soundtrack CD. A great purchase for those looking for a roundup of 20 years, but if you’re a big soundtrack collector, there’s nothing new here for you. [3/5]

Price: ¥3500 (£27 / $43)

Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 & Sonic Heroes: 20th Anniversary Editions

Many fans will no doubt be pleased to see the availability of the Sonic Adventure soundtracks for a reasonable price, rather than having to fork out ever-increasing quantities of money for the now extremely rare original prints of the Adventure series OSTs (and are even cheaper via iTunes download). Each of these soundtracks comes with a handpicked selection of favourite tracks, digitally brushed up to sound their best. The downside of these Adventure soundtracks is that this selectivity, and again limitations on space have meant that many of the jewels of these games have failed to make it onto the roster.  Those hoping for a collection of all of the character themes will be disappointed with these releases.  Furthermore, many will fail to see the appeal of purchasing the Sonic Heroes 20th anniversary edition soundtrack with both the Complete Trinity double set and the Triple Threat vocal album being still widely available. Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack: 20th Anniversary Edition  [3.5/5], Sonic Adventure 2 Original Soundtrack: 20th Anniversary Edition  [3.5/5], Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrack: 20th Anniversary Edition  [2.5/5]

Price: ¥3500 (£19 / $29) each
iTunes download £7.99 / $9.99 each

All of the above soundtracks are still available for purchase from

Purchase any of these soundtracks? Give us your two cents in the comments!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


    1. Yeah, you know what? I really am going to have to give this soundtrack full marks – there isn’t anywhere I can mark it down.

        1. The ink things I didn’t like were Cirqut freaq’s Vengeance is Mine, the Act 1 Seaside Hill, and the fact that there were no real Act 1 remixes for Water palace and Tropical resort.

  1. When you say Chemical Plant flute solo, what exactly do you mean? The Chemical Plant tracks on the CD sound the same as they do in game.

    1. i’m referring to the White Space theme – when you hang around the outside of the hub levels. Chemical Plant has a distinct flute-themed tune.

  2. I’ve been waiting for what seems like forever for my Sonic Generations OST, (It’s actually only been 2 weeks) I ordered it from YesAsia, who said it would ship in about 10 days and I was like “brilliant!” but 10 days later they sent me an email saying that that they’d only just shipped it off then! Really annoying, but oh well.

  3. @SamJM
    I think he means the white space version of chemical plant, it had some flute in it (the music that plays when you’re standing outside the chemical plant level)

  4. I got the Sonic CD 20th Anniversary soundtrack, so I’m a happy CD fan! =) (I even got the 2011 CD remake on my PS3 and Toshiba Tablet!)

  5. I was so sad they released the Adventures and Heroes soundtracks cut off… Maybe because they wanted to put everything into 1 disc. But the 1&2 soundtrack has 3 discs, I can’t understand…

  6. Thanks for the insight! I’m debating on whether I should buy the Generations OST, or if i should wait and see if it’s released on iTunes. I have quite a large library of physical CD soundtracks, from Adventure 2, to Unleashed and even Blck Knight, so its killing me to not buy it, but i havent had great luck ordering CD’s from Japan, plus im low on cash right now. Anyone heard anything about an iTunes release???? (i live in the U.S. btw).

  7. And i bought Adventure and CD on iTunes, and am very pleased with them, especially CD with the Crush 40 Sonic Boom song. The Heroes one turned out to be exactly the same CD i bought at a music store back in 05, and while disc 1 of my adventure 2 CD cracked, i still have majority of the songs included on the 20th anniversary edition. Sonic CD is by far the best one available on iTunes, with the Adventure one beeing second, since the original OST is sooo damn expensive! I mean, it was $250 on eBay! But the Stardust Speedway remix is just awesome, and getting to hear “Run thorugh the Speed Highway” on my ipod finally is just sweet

  8. Being a soundtrack collector is a painful and expensive process. Buying all of those on CD has set me back £170 and many of the songs I already own. The Sonic Heroes one was a kick in the teeth – paying £20 for no new songs, but thems the breaks!

    I think the Sonic 1&2 soundtrack is the most lovingly crafted and at a push, would be my choice. The 20th best would have been so much better had there been a 3rd disc and the SA, SA2 and SH CD’s were rather disappointing in deciding to do just 1 CD. Sonic CD was a lot of fun, but again – I think they missed a trick and could’ve made it a 2CD set with Howard Drossins’ music. His music was officially released, but only as a pre-order for Sonic 3 in America!

    I need to hear the new Escape From The City again if it has Endless Mine in – possibly my favourite Sonic instrumental song ever! I’m clearly not listening hard enough.

  9. I got my Sonic Generations OST 2 WEEKS AGO! The Big Arms RMX is just pure awesomeness beyond awesomeness…Cash Cash, please stay for a long while and keep on making music for the Blue Blur!

    The whole OST is awesome…I don’t regret buying it =)

  10. When I loaded my generations ost onto my iPod, the CDs split into like twenty different albums. Anyone else have this problem, or know how to fix it?

    1. Sent “Album Artist” in iTunes to one person, like Jun Senoue or SEGA and it’ll put them into one folder.

  11. Sonic Generations OST and the SA1 20th OST are both awesome in their own way as each is filled with some of the greatest compositions featured in both games 😀

  12. you forgot sonic adventure 2 original soundtrack 20th anniversary + sonic heroes original soundtrack 20th anniversary

  13. I’ve had my copy of True Blue sitting here unopened after arriving from Jun Senoue. I really don’t want to open it. :ohdear:

  14. Circuit Freq? Never heard of them, but it sounds like they had to do with the Shadow songs. …And boy, did I love that game and soundtrack.

    I’m broke, and I’d like to get this on my Sandisk (Sandisc? XD), when I find it 😛

    Blaring “Live and Learn” and “I Am All (Of Me)” all the way ;D

  15. Well, I ended up winning the Sonic CD soundtrack, (from one of T-Bird’s contests no less!) and I am really excited to be getting it.

    I’d love to buy the Generations and Adventure soundtracks but that’s not gonna happen, unless I beg. XD

  16. Sonic Generations’ OST is possibly my favourite from the bunch, tracks worth noting are Classic Emerald Coast, Classic and Modern Speed Highway, Modern Mushroom Hill, Modern Casino Night and Classic and Modern Rooftop Run. I feel that the Cutscene Music isn’t that great as the actual music from the stages, but by itself they are very good.

    Sonic CD’s OST is very good, but I feel that it should have the USA Soundtrack too so you can have everything in a single album, tracks worth noting are Collision Chaos Past and Present, the entire Metallic Madness and Palmtree Panic despite my liking of the USA version more.

    The rest, they are good re-releases for people that don’t have the OST yet, but the Sonic Heroes OST feels a bit lacking.

    Great reviews T-Bird.

  17. I guess Richard Jacques doesn’t exist. Same goes for Tomoya Ohtani, Kenichi Tokoi and everyone else who didn’t get a mention. Can’t have people jump on the Jun Senoue and Cash Cash bandwagon. Cirquit Freq’s tracks were mostly garbage, and Naofumi Hataya did remix Sky Sanctuary a lot more than the rest of the classic tracks.

  18. So, any news or indication of an iTunes release of the Sonic Generations OST? If so, would this report be updated?

  19. Is it me or do the Sonic Generations Sonic 3 & Knuckles original tracks sound different than the “really original” ones? I listen to my 3DS Sonic Generations soundtest and I always find something not quite like the Genesis sounds. Maybe they used different synth sounds? I’m a bit disappointed, nostalgic sound freak I am.
    Sonic 1 & 2 sound ok though.

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