Just released on the Nintendo E-Shop in North America comes a demo of the upcoming release of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. The demo features five events. 25MM Rapid Fire Pistol, European Football (AKA American Soccer), Trampoline, 100m Backstroke, and BMX. Your character in each event is chosen at random and will be different with every playthrough. The European demo should be out very soon, but if the other M&S games didn’t thrill you, I doubt this one will either. I will say the controls in each event are very unique to each other and help give the game variety. Also, the last event is like a fully realized 3-D Excitebike.
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games will be available in North America on Valentines day, February 14th and in Europe on February 10th.
random chosen at random why why why! F(
I played the demo and really liked it. 🙂 The graphics are the best that I have seen on the 3DS, the 3D effects are pretty for a mini-game collection, and I love the charm they add to this installment, they really capture the “London games” feel. I just had a smile on my face looking at how they said “football” even though I am in America, genius. It was REALLY fun for me, but I’m still not sure whether to get the Wii or 3DS version, only reviews will tell, but Nintendo Power suggests the console version is better…
My brother downloaded the demo a while ago, and I must agree with Jeb, graphics-wise it looks on par with Wii graphics. it makes Generations look like a last-gen game 😛
My favorite event was the BMX event; great use of the gyrometer.
same here loved the bmx, everything else for me was ehhhh
What are you talking about, Jason? M&S 2012 3DS is WAY better then the last two on DS.
This demo will definetely thrill a lot of people. I guess you’re just not a fan of this series. The 3DS Story Mode will be awesome too.
Maybe the demo didn’t provide the best events, (except for BMX) but the full M&S 3DS game will please many. 🙂
For me, I loved them demo. I will probably play it every day until the game comes out! All the events had good controls, and good gameplay. The graphics really wowed me. The 3D effect is really nice too, but it does have some problems, like it would show “unfocused” Tails right next to the “real” Tails, if you know what I mean. SEGA did not focus the 3D right, sometimes. Oh well, I won’t be using the 3D anyway, with all the other events, especially the ones that make you move your 3DS around.
Overall, I really enjoyed this demo, and am looking foward to the Story Mode and 50 events. 🙂
Major thing I liked from the demo: When Silver does his special on the Trampoline. It was simply kick ass. I just cannot explain it, for you should see it for yourself! 😀
Score: 9/10
Dislikes: Nothing so far. 😉
except wen you exceed 30 plays, then it probably locks up
This is how it works:
1. You can play the demo as many times as you want, and it’ll still be 30 plays left.
2. Only when you close/exit the demo, counts as a play.
3. The game comes out in a little over 2 weeks, by that time I will still have some plays left over if I play it once a day.
4. I THINK that after 30 plays, you can delete the demo and re-download it to have 30 plays again. I think.
I got the demo as well…from the comments above I guess I’m a minority…I HATE the BMX…I only landed properly once each time I played the demo.
I’m actually quite shocked at how good the graphics were. It looks like the Wii graphics for the Winter Olympics (I don’t have the new one for my Wii yet). Defs gonna get this on release.
It sucks being Australian because you don’t know if we are getting the demo when Europe does. Oh well we get the game on Febuary 9th, I can’t wait!
what? no demo in europe? this sucks
Woohoo! The new badnik concept art is up for Sonic 4!
^ Yeah, I sent TSS a news tip a while ago….maybe they’re busy.
and i sent tssz that same tip 10 minutes ago (same as in before i read this comment)
Yes, but TSSZ takes the weekends off, unless big news comes in. 😛
Like I said before I still need to get a 3DS trying to get it before it hits the stores :/
I play that demo, the graphic is cool, but the gameplay is so lame.
*ahem TSS* Do the names Fullboar and Stellion remind you something?
I actually race actual BMX and i’d kinda like to know what it’s like to play it. still wouldn’t be the same though
Wait a minute, “Rapid Fire Pistol”? I thought Sonic said he’d never be caught holding a gun? RUINED FOREVER. *Just kidding*.
Who wants to bet Shadow owns everyone with the pistol and BMX events? XD
Meh, DS doesn’t connect but I’m not interested in this game either. At least it looks good.