Awesome Games Done Quick Running Sonic Games (Again)

Awesome Games Done Quick Running Sonic Games (Again)

It’s that time again. For the last three years, the guys at Speed Demos Archive have been doing speedrunning marathons for charities, and at 8PM GMT, their latest Awesome Games Done Quick begins in aid of the Prevent Cancer Foundation.


That they’ll spend over 5 days beating who-knows-how-many games is a given. What isn’t, however, is Sonic representation. This year, though, four classics from the series are going to get ruined over the course of a 3-hour segment.

The whole schedule is here, but starting at about 9pm on Thursday, the original Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles (does that count as two games?) and Sonic Adventure 2 (with a 2-man race) are up.

Before three of the games, there will be “donation wars” to decide what goes on. Sonic 2 will decide which member of the SDA team – out of anyone at the venue – will play as Tails; S3K will decide which character to play as; and SA2 will decide which story to play. If enough donations are taken, they’ll also run through the Last Story of that game.

Also, at the last minute, the marathon is taking donations to add Sonic Spinball to the schedule, as they’re currently ahead of schedule.

All the people involved in the Sonic segment are insanely good at their games. If you’ve got any interest at all, you really owe it to yourself to be there.

Awesome Games Done Quick runs from 8PM Wednesday 4th to 6PM Monday 9th of January, at

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Ian, aka "bmn", is the guy that keeps TSS up and running. If something goes wrong, you know who to blame call.


  1. Ah, when one marathon ends another begins….all for good cause! ^^ Thing is you said there would be other games in addition to the Sonic titles? I’m a bit confused….

  2. Awful games done quickly eh? Personally I think they should do Sonic Unleashed, based on a matter of opinion of course ~ Heh heh heh

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