Sonic to Make Another Appearance on The Simpsons

In their latest episode of GTTV, GameTrailers’ Geoff Keighley got to interview Executive Producer & Writer for The Simpsons Matt Selman and talk about their upcoming video game parody episode. The episode sees Homer, Bart and Lisa go to ‘E4’, which is a take on the biggest annual event in gaming – E3. In the preview clips shown, we see Sonic the Hedgehog will again make an appearance on the show, but in a much less familiar form. Some of the other video game franchises featured include: World of Warcraft, God of War and the pictured combination of Medal of Honor and Call of Duty.

The episode airs in the US November 13th.

Source: GameTrailers

Thanks to Thomas for the heads up!

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  1. ha, i remember the first one on the old christmas special years ago where Bart nicks a video game! back when The Simpsons was good….

  2. i take it the medal of duty fanboy’s ultimate enemies are call of honor fanboys in the simpsons universe?

    1. I don’t think that’s a Ponytail… Looks like it’s soppose to be a ‘S’ logo for ‘Sonic’….

  3. There you go Iizuka, there’s your new modern Sonic design right there!

  4. I see the Big Super Happy Fun Fun game. I remember that level in The Simpsons Game about it!

      1. Remember that “game engine” level, where characters like Mario, Sonic and Dig Dug were slaves on treadmills and hamster wheels? That was pretty cool too.

  5. This is the 3rd time Sonic appear on The Simpsons.
    1st The Christmas episode when Bart steals an game
    2nd The “That 90’s Show” you will an billboard of Sonic proposal on Amy Rose
    And now this, way to go Simpsons!!

  6. … Ultraman Sonic dude combined with Knuckles, Tails, Espio, and a whole bunch of fucked up shit? Okay. xD

  7. Two IPs that are way past their prime. Besides Sonic already appeared when Bart stole Bonestorm from the Try N Save.

    and just on a side note, just finished Generations. Loved it and hated it at the same time. After 20 years its time I wash my hands of Sonic.

  8. I’ll bet that Marge had TWO reasons why she bought the Golf game:

    1. She might have read some reviews, including Comic Book Guy’s OWN personal review, regarding that it was all hype, and no originality. (Summing up to his signature “Worst, Video Game, Ever.”)
    2. It was too popular that the game sold out, and she decided to buy that golf game, anyway, because Bonestorm is a game that had “Meanie-bo-beanies” in it. Thus it would’ve been rated M at the time, and Marge Simpson would probably make money, if she were featured as the ESRB Spokesparent. These days, I don’t watch Family Guy, because the plots are seldom repeated. It got me into watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on Youtube, instead.

  9. Woa! I’m so exited to see Sonic in sa Simpsons. To all u fanpop members, wall me wen u see this post, plz 😉

  10. LOL!How did homer get invited to…E4….sigh…
    Inb4 original character do not steal! From farther away…I thought sonic was a chick D: His design is certanly interesting.

  11. All the people who say ‘The Simpsons used to be good’ are jumping on the bandwagon, because the past two seasons have been the best since the very beginning, but everybody’s on the bandwagon so they won’t give them a try.

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