New Sonic Generations Japanese Trailer & 150 3DS Screenshots


SEGA Japan has released a new trailer which gives a look at some gameplay footage from the console and 3DS versions of Sonic Generations to promote the game’s release over there in a couple of weeks. SEGA Japan and SEGA Europe have also together released one hundred and fifty new screenshots of the 3DS version, which showcase all seven stages in the game, as well as the game’s multiplayer mode. You can view all of the images in our gallery below.

Sources: SEGA Press &

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  1. Biolizard AND Egg Emperor!?
    My two favorite boss fights ever, in one game!?


  2. well looks like the multiplayer is just the 7 zones plus special stages. no tidal tempest, no other handheld stages, looks like the people who don’t like this version are going to have a field day with this news. I really like the graphics of the Big Arm, Biolizard, and Egg Emperor’s fights.

  3. Anyone else laugh when he suddenly said “History of the First Stage” in English? 😀

    1. It’s always funny when foreign speaker speaks in their mother tongue and then blurt out the english words they don’t have the equivalent for.

  4. Loving the Xbox 360 version. And I’ve just had an email from GAME about my preorder for the 3DS version. Hopefully it’ll be sent out soon.

  5. >Sees Biolizard in screenshots
    >With that comes with a new version of Supporting Me
    >Insert fan-gasm here

  6. YES, bring on the ‘TAKE THIS’ spam.
    Still, up till now I question is they confused the Biolizard with Final Hazard. Couldn’t think of a creative way for Sonic to run through space Sonic Team? xD

  7. I hope this game also has the change music option, or at least have a ton of music like the HD version has. Though, the one screenshot looks like it, but I can’t read Japanese so…

  8. I just traded in Generations for Skyrim. It was the best decision of my life. I gave them a chance, but Sega has proved to me they have nothing to offer to a Sonic fan.

    1. Really? I believe Generations was a big improvement over Colors, The console versions are pretty decent IMO, a lot of disappointment (lacked a lot of things) but it still turned out okay. I sold my copy of Colors last year and I regret nothing 😛 that was the best decision of my life. I’m getting the 3DS version of Generations jsut to see how it is, it didn’t look great and it still doesn’t but I still want to try it… after seeing the trailer I actually want it.

  9. I’m so excited for the remixes of Supporting Me and the Special Stage and everything omg.
    This actually looks impressive! Hope everyone who’s getting it has fun! It looks like it’ll be worth the wait.

  10. Just finished sonic generations. I didn’t like sonic stadium spoiled that there was someone behind time eater.

  11. I don’t understand why Sega puts so much work into making all these cutscenes that don’t even make it into the final game.

    Also why does Sega always seem to ignore the PC version?

    1. The PC version isn’t getting a release in Japan as far as I’m aware, so it wouldn’t be in a Japanese trailer for the game. SEGA Europe’s been including the boxed PC version in all of its advertising for the game.

  12. please let the console versions have DLC levels… PLEASE let the console versions have DLC levels…

    I know that the chose the levels for the consoles from the top 9 favorites over the past 20 years, but If they worked on this game since 2008, I’d expect they’d at least make some preparations for some bigger DLC’s besides the pinball minigame. lolz

  13. Generations was a good game just lacked content (gameplay wise) and included the dreadful Planet Wisp and Wisp power-ups.

    The game was in development since 2008, just as Unleashed was ending development. So they’ve had 3 years to create this anniversary game and all we have to show for it is 9 zones with 2 acts for each, and a bunch of lame (and some weirdly designed) missions?

    They could have easily thrown in a few more zones from Sonic games they didn’t even cover.

    Ice Cap Zone-Sonic 3
    Wacky Workbench-Sonic CD
    Casino Street Zone-Sonic 4
    Sand Oasis-S&TSR

    Hopefully at least 1 of those will make it as DLC.

      1. Since Sonic Generations. Don’t get me wrong, it was awesome in Sonic Colors but it went down the toilet in Generations. The level starts off good but then as you move into Eggmans construction its all relying on wisp which brings me to a huge facepalm because the werehog wasn’t playable during the Egg Dragoon.

  14. I love how I got my 3DS 3 weeks after launch and this is gonna be my first 3DS game :/

    I’m meh excited about picking it up tomorrow. It really hasn’t been getting any light shone on it, the console version is stealing all the light. I haven’t got to play any demos to get a feel for it, but idk, for some reason it seems kinda underwhelming or disappointing for his 20th, kinda like the console version disappointed for lack of cutscenes or story seeing as it was kinda a sequel to Colors which had a million small and goofy cutscenes.
    Fingers crossed for this actually having replay value

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