ONM Previews Sonic Generations 3DS, Review in Next Issue

The UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine has previewed the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations in their latest issue and within it are a few details about physics, Casino Night Zone and the Metal Sonic Rival challenge.

* Regarding Classic Sonic’s physics, the magazine says “The Mega Drive physics are more or less spot-on, and far better than they were in recent WiiWare release Sonic 4.”
* According to ONM, Classic Sonic’s Casino Night Zone music is “slightly modernised but for the most part it’s faithful to the ditties from the older games.”, while the remixed Modern Sonic version is “bursting with saxophone solos and various other musical flourishes.”
* The Metal Sonic boss battle is a race to reach the end of the level before he does. ONM says “It reminds us of the two-player mode in Sonic 2 and it’s a fun, challenging stage.”

ONM will have a review of the game in next month’s issue, which is due out in UK stores November 17th. To read their full preview, pick up their December issue at your local retailer now for £3.99.

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  1. I gunna buy that issue!!! 😀 I really excited for both version. I think the release timing is perfect. People will finish the console Sonic Generations and (if they have on) will then get a new experience with the 3DS version

  2. I guess that on the friday, IGN will post a review on Sonic Generations. I have a hunch. :3

  3. Their December issue is out now, in October? I know Sonic Generations features time travel, but this takes the cake!

    1. They release the mag every 28 days, so as the year progresses they get a little more ahead of themselves due to those odd few days at the end of every month. They fix this by calling the November issue the ‘Christmas’ issue before starting again with the January issue in December.

  4. Argh I’m still unsure should I get this version or not? it’s not far till it’s out man I don’t know what to do D:

  5. I’m loving the explaination of Modern Sonic’s Casino night music. Glad to see that they like the physics. And the Metal Sonic bet is interesting. I would have loved that we could hit Metal Sonic to win but the race may seem fitting. I hope that Metal Sonic attacks you or there are a lot of obstacles instead of a straight foward race. Can’t wait!

  6. Hey the SSBM has a new japanese magazine showing a cutscene, Emerald Coast, Silver and a possible Sonic Drift 2 unlockable for the 3DS version

  7. please please PLEASE port this level to the consoles! it is my favourite of all the sonic games, and the music is awesome! still trying to work out how/where to get the background as a live one for my android phone! casino night is sonic at its best!!!!

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