Happy 11th Birthday, The Sonic Stadium!

Happy 11th Birthday, The Sonic Stadium!

Yes, shh, I’m aware I’m a bit late. I’ve been working all day. 😉 But I did throw together a little surprise for those of you who are signed up to the SSMB Forums – the long-awaited return of the Sonical skin! Check it out at http://board.sonicstadium.org/ now!

Let that design sink in, because TSS will be seeing a similar tweak within the next day or two. It was planned for a release today, but WordPress is funny about this sort of thing. Instead, we’ve kicked off our comprehensive Sonic Generations Buyer’s Guide, so if you’ve yet to find the best deal on one of the biggest games on the calendar then check that out.

I’ve also found time to update the TSS Archives a little bit. Insofar as that I’ve created a new entry to the yearly Timeline section. I’m taking a different tack with Timeline posts from now on – I’ll aim to make an annual post every year on TSS’ Birthday, and rather than run from January to December they will cover October to October. It’s easier to provide total coverage without having to worry about editing pages later on.

Check out the 2011 Timeline entry here, which gives some behind-the-scenes insight into what TSS Has Done For You this past year. We’ve done a surprisingly huge amount, given that we seem to have become a blog these days. I aim to change that over the next year too (but then I say that every year). I’m well determined, I am.

Speak soon! Likely, when the rejigged design comes into effect! Do be sure to let me know your memories of TSS here if you like! 🙂

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. lol, I’ve said my happy birthday on the SSMB. ^_^
    I’ve only been here since Summer of 2011, and I already love this site. The community here is great. 🙂

  2. OMG I completely forgot that today’s been 11 years! Happy Birthday TSS! God I love this site… I hope it never dies!

    The funny thing is, I’ve been on this site for as long as I’ve been dating the love of my life, which is 6 years!

    …Which now brings the question:

    Who came first… the girlfriend… or TSS? Hmm… 😛

  3. O god…wow. Really takes me back. Been using this site since year one. Will keep using this site til the end. Thanks for all the work done to keep me happily informed and immersed in the sonic fan community. This site is one of the reasons I was able to stay with sonic from the time I put the original game in my genesis, to now Sonic generations in my 360

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SONIC STADIUM 😀 I Love this site it’s always been awesome and I’ve only been on it for a year (the time I was hacked) 😛 A very big Thank You to all the work you have done, all the suprises, laughter, drama, horror, secrets and celebrations. Plus all the memories and special moments. 😀 It’s amazing how you can also make friends here and be more close to others on this site (even mods) such a great community (another reason it’s one of the best sites). I’ve got lots of memories from the beginning of 2011 and last year man 2010 was live I swear o.o…. Thank you and god bless DreadKnux, Thank you very much Shadzter, Thank you so much Ian, Hats off and a huge thank you to the whole TSS STAFF/ MODS 🙂 god bless you all Here’s to the big 11! 😀

  5. Happy b’day, TSS!!! 😀 Thank you for everything these past 11 years and may there be many more to come! 🙂

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