Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition Import Guide

Live outside of Europe and Australia and want to import the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition revealed yesterday? Well, thanks to New Zealand retailer Mighty Ape and Amazon Germany, you can. Both retailers ship worldwide. Mighty Ape is selling both PS3 and Xbox 360 versions for $199.99 AUS, which translates to just over $165 US. Amazon Germany lists both PS3 and Xbox 360 editions for EUR 99,99, which is just under $140 US. American SSMB member, and SEGA Bits staffer Barry the Nomad tells us they ship worldwide.

We don’t know how many of the Collector’s Editions both Mighty Ape and Amazon Germany have, but the former says they have ‘limited stock’. If you’re interested, you’re best to pre-order now.

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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  1. Also people should give some of the posts in the SSMB topic a read, theres a lot of good advice there for how to get your hands on one.

  2. Doesn’t anyone remember that PAL Xbox 360 games don’t work on American consoles? So this only really applies to the PS3 version.

    1. Some people are just desperate for the awesome merch you get with the bundle (statue, gold ring, art book…etc) and don’t care about what version the game is because they will purchase the game seperately anyway in their own country.

    2. As Cerium said, there are a lot of folks who won’t care about buying a PAL version of the game as long as they get the merchandise. They can always buy the game separately, even if it does mean spending more money. I know I wouldn’t be put off buying this special Anniversary bundle of goodies just because the game may not work on my console. Besides, not all Xbox 360 games are region locked. Hopefully this one will be one of the region-free ones.

  3. I think the US may get an even better Collector’s Edition than Europe and Australia. Maybe they’ll add some previous Sonic titles such as Sonic o6, Sonic Adventure 2 etc. Who agrees with me? πŸ˜€

    1. I admire your postivity and I don’t care if we get a better collectors edition as long as we get something as good as this. I’ve been close to pre-ordering Generations these past few months and I have a feeling I’m going to have to wait it out intill the last week of October xD If no news about it is leaked then I’m going with normal.

    2. Doubtful. To be honest I bet SEGA will release this a bit later on for the rest of the world. It’s a bit odd that only Europe should get it.

  4. Reminder for East Europe:

    None of East EU countries have official SEGA office. That fact make this CE almost unavailable in this region. I suggest ordering at and leave German one for US guys. Of course everytning is limited so if runs out of copies great hunting will begin.

    I already preordered my copy. Express delivery to Poland cost me Β£125. Of course price will change. Uncutted price is currently Β£100 so its probably gonna be lowered after updating its page with relase date.

    Oh and just an advice for EU gamers. None of UK Game stores (I checked some) can send you this. They have weight limit of 1000g for items that are send outside of UK. The only retailer I know that dont have this is Amazon.

    And just a sugestion to UK gamers. I think all US and EU fans alike would apreciate if you could order your edition from stores such as GAME UK and other local stores and dont from Amazon.

    I am asking you for this becasue its only way for East EU and US to get this.

    I hope fellow fans will understand.

    Happy hunting fellow fans πŸ˜€ !

    1. “And just a sugestion to UK gamers. I think all US and EU fans alike would apreciate if you could order your edition from stores such as GAME UK and other local stores and dont from Amazon.”
      To be fair, we don’t know if this will be sold instore anywhere yet, so you can’t blame anyone for ordering it online from Amazon right now before they run out.

      1. I dont blame anyone and I think other shops will get this. If no then I wrote that if it womt be possible or Amazon will run out of copies its everyone for himself/herslelf.

        I understand that everyone want it. I ordered my already so its not problem for me.

        I repeat. I dont blame anyone. It was just sugestion.

    2. You do realise that’s the Collector’s Edition isn’t available in GAME UK or any other stores yet. I’ve already pre-ordered my Collector’s Edition from Amazon., so if you don’t get yours, I’m sorry.

          1. Oh all right. No worries then πŸ™‚

            Hm… I wonder how many copies will Amazon have. I mean some of us preordered it already. Lets bet. I bet its 100-200 copies for each platform. I know wishfull thinking.

  5. I think the question here is…will that stuff be written in a foreign language, or will it still be in English? Could someone tell me please if video game merch and games in general have the text in the native language, or if it’s all in english?

    1. I’m afraid every country will have merch. In its own language. You should order from New Zeeland then. I think it will be English.

      1. Oh and forgot to mention. Spain, France and Germany (other countries probably too) are getting their own VA dub in game so merch would be most likely in retailer language too.

  6. If this isn’t going to be released in the US, can we at least get something? Maybe package it with a download code for Sonic 4-1 or something? Heck, I’d even take Sonic 06 with it.

  7. Kay, just pre-ordered it on Mighty Ape. The Xbox360 versions were already unavailable, but since I wouldn’t be able to play it anyway, I got the PS3 version. If it’s not region-locked, I can just give it to my bud and buy a 360 version here for myself.

  8. i still say we should get it here. i hate being shafted on something as awesome as this because of where i live

    1. I find it amusing when people from the US believe they’re being “shafted” when it comes to videogames.

  9. Thanks for the credit, Shadzter! Yeah, the site lists it for 99,99 euros, but when I dropped it in the basket it turned out to be 83,03. Guess it’s a secret discount. Plus the 14,00 shipping it came out to 98,03 of $138 american.

    1. Looking at the large images for all countries on the SEGA Press site, all materials (except for the game) will have three languages: English, German, Spanish and… another one. Like the 10th Anniversary pack, it will be multi-lingual.

      The CD booklet will be in 4 languages, the art book will probably be images only and the DVD is the only unknown. It might be in english with subtitles depending on the country.

  10. … This is single-handedly going to be the best Sonic game you will surely remember playing since either Sonic 3 & Knuckles or Sonic Adventure 2.

    Sonic was my childhood hero, nothing will ever change that. I’m sleeping under a Sonic bed cover tonight, a Sonic poster on my wall, Sonic plushies on top of my wardrobe overlooking my room, a painting of Super Sonic on my bedroom wall that my Mum drew.

    I’m going to be 21 this January. I’m in my second and final year of Performing Arts college.
    Through everything I do in my life, I will never ever forget the journey Sonic the blue hedgehog has taken me on.
    It’s been a wild ride, and I’m sure it’s going to continue.

    This is my lame excuse not to buy the collector’s edition; because I have everything already. Not physically, but in the form of memories and love for the hero.

    Β£85 pounds, Sonic Generations: Collector’s Edition. Thanks, but no thanks. Other than the fact that I can’t afford it, I also have a girlfriend to visit who detests Sonic but still talks about it with me. She’s happy that I’m looking forward to Generations, she even stated that she prefers Classic Sonic over Modern Sonic (but still hates both lol)

    Thank you Sega. Thank you for blessing us with Sonic the Hedgehog, some may call him ‘just a video game character’, I call him the story of my life.

  11. Good one guys, lucky I got my order in ages ago, the Sonic Generations Collectors Edition is now sold out for both Xbox 360 and PS3 on Mighty Ape. Congrats you just deprived a lot of New Zealanders the chance to get a copy just cause your own country is too slack to release special editions of Sonic games rofl πŸ˜›

    1. Heres a copy of the email i just recieved from Mighty Ape,

      Hi Damien, Just a quick message to let you know that we have taken Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition **LIMITED STOCK** ~ PS3 offline due to our stock being pre-sold.
      You are one of the lucky ones that managed to get in quick and your order is safe!
      Thank you for shopping with Mighty Ape!

      Regards, Mighty Ape

      I wonder how many people got told their order was not able to be placed πŸ™

    2. I pre-order my one on Amazon UK as I live in London. It’s funny how when Amazon say that there sold out of Collector’s Edition. I feel sorry for others who can’t get it on Amazon UK. πŸ™

  12. *Starts crying because youth bank account doesn’t let me spend over $100 per day* Did it even ship to Canada? I just got on the Internet and of course everything was sold out so I don’t know if they did ship here.

      1. Really? It didnt show up for me on Amazon Germany :/ I wouldn’t be able to order it anyways because I can only use $100 per day on my account and I know it will be over that. I also don’t wanna have the chance it’s region blocked on my Xbox. I have no money to buy a second copy, let alone I barely have enough for the CE and I want the 3DS one as well D:

    1. Mighty Ape were the Australian retailer. They’re all sold out now, though. I’m keeping an eye out for any other retailers that might stock it. I’ve been told Amazon Germany ship worldwide if you want to import it from there.

  13. Comparing prices of a couple of other “Collectors Edition”s on Australian websites, I’m guessing if the CE were to come into stores downunda it would be about $150 ($159 USD). I wouldn’t need to worry about shipping costs if I were able to get one in November in Australia, but German Amazon is still cheaper.. even with shipping.

    With that said *places pre-order*

    1. I answered this some posts back:

      “Looking at the large images for all countries on the SEGA Press site, all materials (except for the game) will have four languages: English, German, Spanish and… another one. Like the 10th Anniversary pack, it will be multi-lingual. The CD booklet will be in 4 languages, the art book will probably be images only and the DVD is the only unknown. It might be in english with subtitles depending on the country.”

    2. Certain things, like the CD, you can see are in about 4 languages, including English, if you look closely in the pic. We don’t know about the DVD and art book, but I’d expect they would have multiple languages, too. The game will also likely have multiple language settings.

    3. That question also came to me right after I put a pre-order in.. answers are reassuring thou πŸ™‚

  14. I just pre-ordered the Collector’s edition from GAME in Australia (Robina, Gold Coast). Also, the website ( now has it for $170 AUS. He said they can only pre-order about 6 per store. Not sure about online though….SO pumped!! haha!

    1. It’s $40AU cheaper to import from Germany, but I’d be doing the same as you if I were still in Australia πŸ™‚

  15. hahaha ur conversion rate is way off the australian dollar is higher then the american at the moment so it would be about $220 u would be paying in the US

  16. Thanks SS I was able to pre-order from Germany I spent a good while trying to pre-order but amazon uk refuses to ship outside of europe. Ohh well I got my pre-order in and I am saving some money for this.

  17. *Sighs*

    Once again over seas get all the goods… Not all of us have nearly $200 to fork out over imports… Which is what these are priced at, buy it at one certain foreign site, pay around $170, buy at a second site, pay around $140… Considering we have a SEGA corporation situated here in America, why can’t they bring this product to the USA instead of once again only giving over seas the good stuff…?

    I mean… All we get is a sucky pinball download for cheap pre-order…? Really…? Without America you would only have half of your gains SEGA… Meaning you would have gone out of business long ago more than likely… How about paying us back too for a change…?

  18. And what’s with the limited quantity crap…? A 20th anniversary and you can’t fork out enough Special Editions for all the 20 year followers to get? Your starting to fall low of expectations again…

  19. Amazon Germany is the way to go if you can partially read it. You just need to keep entering and pressing -> Got mine there, better get it while you can. I don’t even know if my preorder is set in stone yet:)

  20. Preordered! Woohoo! I only did it to be sure I have a chance at snagging one. If it’s announced for the US or I can get it cheaper somewhere else, I’ll just cancel my order.

  21. I bet north America is getting some Archie stuff in our speical edtion * cough* sonic who’s who*cough*

  22. People seem to be wondering what language the German collectors set will be. On the page for the item it says:
    “Sprache: Deutsch, Deutsch, Deutsch”
    Which, to me, means that NOTHING IS IN ENGLISH

    So I would just consider that when purchasing from Germany.

  23. Also, does anyone in the UK know how much it would cost to ship something like this to the US if you already had it in-hand?

  24. @Shadow
    People have been saying the game MANUAL is bilingual. Based on the above, though, I imagine any text on the collectors edition will be in German, and the game itself will also be in German. Just like the entire Amazon website is in German.

    Again, though, that’s just a GUESS, I really don’t know, but everyone seems to be assuming it’s in English (or not caring that it’s in German) so I thought I’d speak up.

  25. says they can’t ship to the U.S. Can anyone help me with this? I thought it said in the post they ship worldwide. :/

  26. I want this for my Birthday but I’m worried if I wait too long they might sell out on Amazon I wonder when they will hit the Local Stores I don’t want to miss out on this πŸ™ October is only a month away but I wait that long or not….

  27. @ cj

    Don’t wait! There probably selling out as I type. Get the German one quickly it probably won’t go to stores. This is a one time thing!!

    1. Your right this is a one time thing but I’m in Europe I can still go on (Europe Amazon) but πŸ™ I’m not sure I’ll think about it…you may be right though it’s now or never I guess….I’m glad that others out of Europe get a chance to collect this CE though I have to be fast though I hope they haven’t sold out yet D:

  28. just got an email from Amazon regarding collectors edition, says it’s going to be dispatched on the 1st of December what’s going on? D=

  29. @kaizen

    What amazon did you order from? Others have got that email as well. I’m still waiting for my email from German amazon.

  30. Do you guys know of any more english copies available anywhere?
    Reading above seems to me that MightyApe is sold out?
    On MightyApe it would seem that I can still order this:

    Is this the collector’s edition detailed above? Or am I on the wrong path of ordering something wrong?

    I live over down here in the No-Man’s-Land called South Africa, so I’ll settle for the German version if all else fails, but I’d like an english XBox 360 version if I could still get one.

    Thanks in adcance fellow Sonic fans!

    1. I’m pretty sure the ‘Limited’ edition is NOT the same as the ‘Collectors’ edition.
      If it’s less than $140 USD, then that’s a good clue that it’s not the Collectors set. Also looking at the description:

      Sonic Generations Limited Edition includes:
      Limited Edition lenticular packaging
      Downloadable content
      Casino Night stage, Super Sonic Avatar and theme
      That’s all. No figure, ring, or artbook. Sorry. Best of luck in your search!

  31. Eh… Half my family lives in the uk, so I’m just going to ask them to send it over for my birthday. πŸ˜›

  32. I’m confused now. I just ordered it on Amazon Germany and got an email telling me when to expect it here in Canada whereas other people are asking how long confirmation will take…soo did I get it or not? *Puzzled look*

  33. @nicky

    Did you get email several hours of the purchase? What exactly did this email say? I need the same help…

    1. Well I pretty much got it a few minutes after I ordered it. I translated it and what it was was pretty much just a summary of my purchase, delivery and billing address, and the total price with shipping and when I should expect it here.

  34. Something just came to me…Will the DVD be region blocked? Now I hafta worry about that and the game not working on my Xbox :/

    1. I’m going to guess that it will be a PAL game, and therefore not playable in your NTSC console. Some games are ‘region free’ (like Halo Reach, for example), but I don’t think generations is one of them.

      Usually will have a compatibility guide that will let you check whether games are region specific or not:

      Or you can just search for the game, and see if it says “No Region Protection”. You’ll see that it doesn’t say that for the Xbox version, but it does for the PS3.

      But hey, the collectors items are the important parts, right? πŸ™‚

      1. From what it shows there on that website, Generations is still unsure whether it will play. And there’s about a 50/50 split on Sonic games that work on both PAL and NTSC and ones that don’t work on both ;?

        But like you said, the stuff is the most important. I can always go to Gamestop and get another copy and sell this one somehow πŸ˜›

        I’m just worried about the DVD. My laptop can change regions, but only 5 times so I would have to back it up onto it to watch it without having to switch regions all the time…which isn’t really my forte. I’m more into pirating movies I own to have a digital copy rather than actually taking the disc and doing it πŸ˜›

  35. @nickyy

    Did your translated email say anything about the day it would be released? mine didn’t. it just said they would send a confirmation email when it was dispathced. oyy : {

    1. It says it’s going to be sent on November 3rd. That’s odd that we got different emails :/ It didnt tell me they were going to send me another email when it gets sent over here, just that it gets sent on the 3rd and I should expect it around the 11th or 26th.

      1. I know. Where in the email does it say when it souls arrive. Mine just says a confirmation email will be sent out when it ships.

        1. It told me when to expect it on the website after I ordered. The email said it will be sent on the 3rd and an approximate amount of shipping days with the shipping plan I got. I should been a bit more precise :/ email doesn’t say when I should expect it, just how many shipping days there are.

          1. Thanks, I just realized that. Well, in both our cases, it’s not set in stone that we’ll get it. Do you know if the stuff is in German?

        2. *To our latest comment* that I’m not sure. The game probably will have the option of which voice and subtitles we want, but the DVD and everything else is totally unsure to me.

          1. Umm, it might be a good time to tell you that the game is very likely region locked, meaning it can’t be played on a forien console πŸ™

  36. Thanks a lot everyone for making sure New Zealanders can no longer purchase this at our favourite local game retailer…
    We’re a country that usually misses out on everything exciting gaming-wise, retailers find it hard to secure stock of any special editions for us, and enough people miss out as it is.
    For once we get a CE worth buying, and now people here can’t buy it because of importers taking all the stock…

  37. Just ordered my copy on!
    One question though. Or maybe more than one, I’ll see how far my mind goes.

    I received an e-mail surmising my purchase and all that. I suspect I’ll receive another when my order has been processed telling me when it’ll arrive and all that.

    I was just wondering about what the site’s English help section said about Import Fees and Taxation.
    Will they (as handle all that, or am I going to have to somehow manually pay my Customs department?

    In the help it says that you can authorise them to handle all that and that the import taxes and whatnot will be added to your order’s price, but nowhere in the ordering process did they ask me anything of the sort.

    They keep saying the taxes and fees MIGHT be applicable, so perhaps my country somehow avoided that?
    If anyone could help with this before it becomes a problem (so that I can go out and steal some more money) I would greatly appreciate it.

    (I live in South Africa, if anyone needed to know my country to help me)

    Thanks once again in advance everyone!

  38. Does anyone know if the New Zealand collector’s edition will be in English? Like the game, booklet, cd and stuff? Because I read that each country has it’s own voice actor’s for the game. Will it just be the same voice actor’s for all English regions?

  39. Will the collector’s eddition ever be sold in the UK again
    Cus it sais something on amazon about being available sometime

  40. Just Pre-ordered via Amazon Germany…
    considering canceling the order though.
    in my elation of comitting to spending too much money and a fit of uncontrolled excitement it
    completely slipped my mind that everything might actually be entirely in German… while this doesn’t bother me
    too much I pretty much bought this for all the books and DVDs and of course the game..
    id much prefer to be able to read/ play in my native language. plus the thought of a german sonic voice kind of bothers me.
    does anyone have any compelling evidence that the German version will have other language options available?
    much appreciated…
    links to screenshots… anything. I don’t want to cancel.

  41. I saw there are people who ordered it from Amazon Germany.
    I’m in doubt if you guys know whether the book, cover and all the other stuffs are gonna be in english or german.

  42. I just ordered from Amazon (Germany) and got a confirmation email, so I’m excited.

    I got the PS3 version, hopefully I can play it in my American PS3, if not I can always get the game used down the line. But as it’s region-free I’m hoping, as long as my TV signal (NTSC/PAL) plays okay with it (and if it’s in English…).

    As for the DVD – everyone download VLC, it’s a free video program for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It bypasses your computer’s DVD drive of playing region encoded DVDs, allowing you to play any disc, with any region, without an issue. It also does not require to ‘change’ your drive region coding. πŸ™‚

    I hope this works out… I’m very excited and I can’t wait! πŸ˜€


  43. ‘ello all,

    Just thought I’d share(for those still viewing the thread): I pre-ordered(from back on the 28th, got the confirmation email, etc, etc. Just today I got the confirmation that it had been sent out, as well as the DHL tracking number!

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