Sky Sanctuary Revealed in New Sonic Generations Trailer

SEGA has released a brand new trailer for Sonic Generations, and it includes a stage from Sonic & Knuckles that many fans will be excited to see – Sky Sanctuary! With Egg Robos and everything! The video below comes courtesy of IGN is YouTube and therefore actually works in browsers, but we’ll get the un-watermarked version soon to place on The Sonic Show soon enough.

You can catch a glimpse of Modern Sonic action, Classic Sonic platforming as well as a sneak listen to the music tracks for both. What do you reckon? Colourful, huh? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box below!

Cheers for the spot, ‘Sonicaddictster’!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. I just want this NAO!!!!!!!!!!

    Music is amazing! Stage is beatiful!

    SEGA just take my money!

    Oh and just 2 more stages to reveal 😀 You all guys know wchich 😉

  2. WOW!!! Sky Sanctuary looks beautyfull! I can’t wait to play this!!! It looks like they will give us like 2 more trailers, one with Dreamcast Era and one with Modern Era. I can’t wait to see next stages!!!

  3. Judging by the end of the trailer, the next teaser vid we’ll get is Metal Sonic in Stardust Speedway.

    I’m still hoping there are some surprises coming that weren’t leaked, like a level from the Sonic 3 half of S3&K.

    1. Not necessarily, the Giant mech was shown at the end of last trailer but wasn’t in this trailer. (remember we weren’t meant to see the leaked xbox pics)

  4. and many people thought this wasn’t going to be in the game. from youtube to blogs. but it is true. sky scantuary is offical

  5. Pure Beutiful how amazing can this get, and only two new stages to announce this game is going to be so Awsome!!!!!!

  6. Amazing! Good to see the Egg Robo’s back! I doubt it since he wasn’t found in the files, but seeing Mecha Sonic, even as a background cameo would be a nice touch.

  7. Tell you what would be even more awesome, if they had the Death Egg in the backgr-

    *Sees Death Egg in the background at 0:47*

    … ! 🙂

  8. OMG OMG OMG!! I was tearing up before I even saw it because It said Sky sanctuary was going to be in this trailer and I was sooooo annoyed by the f’ing advertisements, they were just making me more excited to see it. GAHH My favorite level. I love the remix too. I can die happy with this one 😀

    1. I know…Man it’s so emotional and exciting at once XD and yeah I hate the adverts too I miss the Old Youtube where they were no adverts now since 2010 they’ve always been in your face sorry for going off topic here lol

  9. …Did anyone else notice the spit second of speed highway? its after the part where M. sonic drifts in chemical plant at around 00:83… M. Sonic just goes off a ramp for like a second.

  10. i almost jizzed mah pants when i saw that trailer



  11. OMG WOW SO EPIC…..Only two months Whoa just beautiful I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for a Sonic game which is really a blatant lie LOL who doesn’t get excited for Sonic games that come in November or any other month…. I’m Ordering the CE before October….It will be a perfect birthday/christmas present for me both because I might be grabbing the 3DS Version too 😀

    The long wait is really killing me…I know it doesn’t seem far away but it is with the days going slow LOL Hurry up November 😀

  12. Absolutely Beautiful…
    I wonder when the 2nd downloadable demo mentioned in the past will be released (if they trust people after what happened to the Green Hill demo… lolz)

  13. Sonic Team is really playing it safe when it comes to the music for that stage. Not like how they did for modern Green Hill, Chemical Plant or even City Escape. I kinda like it.. but I hope to hear more to get a better judgement of it.

  14. I was right. Seeing Sky Sanctuary in 3D is totally worth getting this game. It just looks so…*sniffle* so beautiful!

  15. Even though I didn’t play any of the classics as a kid (I just played them recently, so I didn’t feel any nostalgia), my heartrate doubled after watching the video! The remix is pumping!

    This game is so gonna win the hearts of every Sonic fan, new or old.

  16. Freakin’ A! Sky Sanctuary is one of my all-time favorite Sonic tunes, so I’m even more excited now. I wonder if the level will conclude with fighting that bulked up Metal Sonic?

  17. Whoa! This is awesome! It would be cool if Mecha Sonic was a boss battle for this wicked stage.

  18. The stages looks beautiful…i also liked what i saw from the modren sonic level desgin, it looks likes they are putting more foucs on 3d explaration, paths and some platforming and you can easily see the diffrence. I also like the part that was shown from the death egg in the last part of the classic sky sanctuary. i just hope we’re gonna see some sort of a completed deathegg rather than just a boss fight (though this will most likely not happen).
    I’m so getting the collectors edition.

  19. Looks cool, but theres 3 stages with green folliage (green hill, sky sanctuary, seaside hill).We need more variety of stages (fire-ice-space).
    .Sky sanctuary looks cool anyway. but Flyng battery could be a better option.
    Theres a logo of sonic & knuckles, but no sonic 3 & knuckles. maybe we have a chance to see a stage from sonic 3 like carnival night..

  20. keep me this impressed and I’ll have to pre order this in addition to Saints row 3, yes i pre ordered saints row 3, because i want the bonuses, a pinball table doesn’t impress me enough

  21. OMG SEGA YOU HAVE DONE IT THIS TIME!!!!!!!! This game will be the best sonic game to date looks so gorgeous I say after this game goes huge u come out with that dreamcast 2 that you guys are hiding lol

  22. can anyone think of a level that sky sanctuary is referencing? maybe lost world? or something else? i dont know… does someone else know?

    1. Dude, Sky sanctuary is a level from Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It’s not referencing Sonic adventure levels at all. it’s a design all on its own.

      1. I think they meant kinda like Seaside Hill having that little bit referencing Hydrocity, so this act having a reference to something else 😛

          1. When you actually look at the 3d level desgine, it might look a bit like sonic color’s tropical resort if you changed the textures, background, and add flying futuristic cars..they showed a little bit of it so i might be wrong though.

  23. I just realised, it shows Classic Sonic passing the signpost at the end of Sky Sanctury, does that mean there’s going to be no end of level sprint up the collapsing tower? Unless that’s in Modern Sonic’s version of the zone?

      1. Good point! Guess there’s no Mecha Sonic at the end like the original. I don’t remember there being a signpost you run past.

  24. I don’t remember Sky Sanctuary being as greeny. Nonetheless it’s BEAUTIFUL LIKE HOLY COW lol. Remix is totally way past cool.
    Can’t wait for the Collecters Edition to be shipped…too long to wait for this amazingness. Bummer majores :O

    1. *taps his foot and looks at his watch*
      The waiting game sucks! Let’s go re-play some Sonic games while we wait!

  25. any one else notice the death egg floating in the background at the very last sky sanctuary clip!? EPIC!!!

  26. Ah way to go sonic you just broke the tv.

    I really hope this comes out for PC. But it hasn’t been announced yet. T_T

  27. So, the 3ds version of Sonic Generations now features 2 stages from Sonic 2 and 2 stages from Sonic & Knuckles.

    Am I the only one who feels that Sonic 3 got majorly shafted in this game?

    1. I don’t think the 3DS will have Chemical Plant and Sky Sanctuary. Aside from GHZ, all zones in it will be different.

  28. is it just or does modern sonics remix sound like the one in mario and sonic with added guitar


  30. Modern Music was just unbeleaveable we seen every act except planet wisp and speed highway i hope theres another demo but for modern sonic since classic has been done already

  31. Nice to see a tribute of 3 stages in this video. Curious if any more vids will be teased.
    Plus Sky Sanctuary was one of the toughest stages around. Never could forget the crazyness of that one.

  32. The TV part at the beginning has just made me realise that all the levels in the Sonic 20th Anniversary trailer stand a chance of a remake as DLC, SEGA must have put it there to hint at us 😀 If thats so i hope Lava Reef is remade even though i’ll buy whatever the DLC is.

  33. off topic

    holy crap it finally rained here!!! hasn’t done that in a while. (long time) and i am not counting those few sprinkles that we got yesterday. I talking about actually getting-the-ground-wet-and-

  34. nobody has said aythng about the new m and s website. 3ds has bmx on it. didn’t really seem like anything to reality(even for being a video game and dream event. I should know cuz I actually race bmx.

    #1. You shouldn’t be racing when the track is all muddy.
    #2. I bet I could go faster in real lofe than in that.
    and if you look to the left, they got the hills all messed up. they’re just giant rollers. where’s the triples? doubles? tabletops? rhythm section? step ups? step up step downs? I could n’t see any berms in the distance.(corners)
    #3. and you can race more than 4 people at a time. (in your class though). max is 8.
    They shoulda had it for wii. it’d be a lot better on wii. (or have me design it ^v^ )

  35. I’ll admit… Sky sanctuary looks impressive. My only issues with it being it’s not nearly as golden/yellow-white-ish as it was in the original and also the fact that the Death Egg looks dumbed-down… Like it’s a childs play toy or something. In S3&K the Death Egg looked FAR larger and more intimidating (think space colony ARK).

    The Sky Sanctuary remix is amazing by the way. I only hope that SEGA takes full advantage of the DLC capabilities of the PS3 and XBOX consoles… I still want Collision Chaos, Wacky Workbench, and Tropical Resort, and a few other levels from Sonics history!


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