Sonic Generations Modern Sonic Character Animations Video


Exaclty what it says on the tin – a video has emerged including a host of Modern Sonic’s new animations, in which Sonic reprises some old classic poses and motions, with a whole host of super cool ones…including a riff-tastic air guitaring sequence, which looks to be a particularly energetic end-of-stage celebration.

Coincidentally if you like the piece of music that is played with a lot of the Generations trailers, it is a track called “Tenderoni” by Kele – watch it here.

Nice spot by Shockhog and ENVY16!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


      1. Its not an incomplete model. Sonic has 2 mouths when he is shown from a 2D view in Gameplay, so that when Sonic turns to the left, he will have his mouth, and then when he turns to the right, he will still have another mouth, lol. Characters usually have two mouths when shown from a 2D view.

        1. Is that right? Because he only has 1 in 3D perspective and this Sonic is also seen in 3D perspective.

          I’m sure that almost all the characters had 2 mouths because half of the model is just a mirror of the other half, and then they use one mouth at a time depending on which way he faces. When his left is facing the screen, the mouth on the left is on his model and the other one is not, so when he turns to his right you don’t see his mouth. But they don’t she him turn all the way around much in cutscenes. So by the time they show his right side to the screen, the mouth on the right is already there while the one on the left is now gone.

          In 2D, if they show his mouth I believe that when his left mouth is facing the screen, the other mouth is not there til he is facing directly at the screen or away from it, where his right mouth then appears and left disappears, automatically switching sides. But I don’t think both mouths are even on the model at the same time except in technical situations like this where it shows all the parts involved in the model. XD

          1. Sorry guys but you are both wrong (tho FoxBoy was close) after 06 we began (or Uekwa began) drawing chars. in different style. Some of them have side mouth while others center mouth. Actually its cool vs. cute look:

            Side mouths: Sonic, Knux, Shadow, Silver, Espio

            Center mouths: Amy, Tails, Cream, Rouge, Blaze, Charmy

            Tho Blaze can be exeption. Model must change dynamicaly to show one mouth to the screen. Thats all. Its not complicated 🙂

    1. Yes, but if you watch carefully you can see the two mouth seams are connected in the middle – so there is one mouth, but it’s made to appear there are two, so it matches the character design.

  1. Sonic was playing the Live and Learn guitar solo with the air guitar.

    Let’s see Mario do that SONIC HATERZ!

    1. I’m not a hater… but your comment is just TRYING to fuel a war… and failing. lol Just pointing out, there was a such thing as “Mario Live” where they played guitars.

      Also, why do you people act like Sonic and Mario need to have the exact same skills? You’re basically saying if Sonic has a skill Mario doesn’t he’s automatically better even if Mario (hypothetically) had more skills or better skills than Sonic. The point is, there’s no logic in it. Stop. =)

    2. Yeah, your comment is a provocation that people really don’t want to see. Who cares if Mario can’t do air guitar and “SONIC HATERZ!” aren’t proven Mario fans.

      I love Mario but I’m not a Sonic hater and neither are any other Mario fans I know.

    1. How can SEGA Sonic remember something from a different continuity? And why wouldn’t he remember it from SatAM?

      But more logically, why not remember it from his video game CONCEPT? He was originally part of a rock band remember? That’s probably why he’s always had a “Coool Duuude with sungless too!” voice. XDD (Hell, he played the electric guitar in one of the mini-games of Sonic Shuffle. XD)

      1. I approve of any reference to Sonic’s concept days. It would be interesting if Madonna ended up being referenced in the game, or Eggman in his pajamas. (Probably won’t happen, but a fan can dream, right?)

  2. OMIGoSH!! I saw the super transformation animation!(lol, rhymes..)

    Although the two mouths thing was kinda funky.
    Either way. Awesome!

    1. Don’t get too excited. Sonic’s spines are up most times when he’s falling. I think the animation you’re referring to is the “Sonic Adventure Pose” finish when you hit both the triggers.

  3. Did some random fan make this, or did SEGA make all of this? Because parts of these belong to SEGA.

    1. Nope. This is technical “behind the scenes” stuff from within the game’s files and programming. XD Hence why he has 2 mouths. If it were fanmade, the mouth would (most likely) be in the middle or not there at all. o.o

  4. As cool as the air guitar sequence was, I’m surprised that no one has brought up the fact that Sonic KNOWS HOW TO BREAK-DANCE!

    Like, REALLY WELL!

    I seriously hope one of the remixed songs gas a good beat to drop. I want to see more of that.

  5. Haha! SonicGamer12 is probably right. The air guitaring might be a reference to Sonic Underground.

    This makes me wonder, if they are putting in cameos for Nack, Bean, Mighty and everyone else, maybe they put in Manic and Sonia Cameos too.

    1. SEGA Sonic concept, SatAM, Underground, OVA, Sonic Adventure and Sonic Shuffle.

      All these either show Sonic playing a guitar (preferrably an electric guitar), have artwork of him doing so or make a reference to him liking rock music.

  6. Wee, I got my name in an article! 😀

    This video really shows why I prefer the Modern design over the classic one. He just looks so much… cooler, you know?

    1. I agree wholeheartedly. And his modern design is looking beautiful in this game. 🙂

      1. Yeah. The only thing I really don’t like is the springy style of his ankle and wrist cuffs from his socks and gloves, the shape of his eyes and muzzle, and the way they styled his hair. The color looks a lot better here to me than usually and the VERY minor tweaks his designs gotten from Unleashed to now have been good ones to me at least. Those “problems” I have with the models are pet peeves that I’d PREFER differently but don’t NEED to be different. He still looks pretty cool. XD

        I’d like Classic Sonic’s design more if they didn’t make him so short and chubby. I mean, I get he looks different than Modern but they went overboard with making him short and chubby. I look at Sonic 2 and it doesn’t look the same AT ALL. XD But I like Classic Sonic’s eye-shale and his gloves and such. xDD

  7. Since I saw a few posts thinking this was fan made, it’s not. These are official. Not a video released by Sega though. They’re ripped straight from the animation files themselves.

  8. Sonic has 2 mouths because in the game the mouth will switch from side to side depending on camera angle. Its to fix the problem in other Sonic games were Sonic (and other characters) just looked wrong with having a mouth in the center.

    1. Yeah. They wouldn’t have to make 2 mouths if they just put it in the center. XD
      But I guess they wanted to avoid what happened in Sonic Adventure? Also, I forget, in all the games where the mouths were in the center didn’t they have seperate models for the cutscenes and the gameplay itself?

      All I know is if his mouth just disappeared I honestly wouldn’t mind. XD Sonic and Tails especially have always been the type of characters, to me, that seemed to fit the whole “no mouth” thing when they weren’t talking.

      Like when they’re talking they have mouths but when they’re not, they have no mouths. I always just saw it as them being animals so it’s like you couldn’t really notice their mouths while closed. Unrealistic, but I thought it was a style since it was like that in the classics too. Except Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic and Knuckles had mouths there. But everyone else didn’t. XD

      Still, I liked it best in SA2 for some reason. In Heroes and Shadow it looked okay too just it reminded me or an anime for some reason. lol But in SA2 it looked quite fitting. If they had updated that to fit in 2011, it would look cool. I mean Tails’ mouth is still in the middle. XD

  9. Calling air guitar and dancing animations for Sound Test

    also, the engine Sonic Team created only renders one mouth at a time, and will switch depending on camera angle

  10. I have to admit that air guitar and the break dance sequence is cool and all but that music title “tenderoni” originally played in Gran Turismo 5

  11. I like to think instead of two mouths he has a really big grin on his face 🙂

    Nice air-guitar. Wonder if he plays Guitar Hero? And really nice break dancing. Puts his taunt in Brawl to shame.

    Near the end, Sonic looked incredibly bored. Simmering with anger at the player for not doing anything, no doubt…”Yeah, you just keep talking on the phone. Don’t mind me…It’s not like there is a PAUSE BUTTON or anything.”

    1. my friend, Smoov28, posted a vid a LONG time ago where he voiced all the characters in chipmunk voices. Supposedly Sonic was bored and wanted to jump off a cliff. Meanwhile everyone else was trying to find a solution and something about getting the chaos emeralds and they started arguing. Tails and Silver were gonna fight but then Tails wanted to be the new main character if Sonic jumped. Then I distinctly remember a part where Sonic came back and it went like this:

      Sonic: That’s it! I’m gonna jump!
      Knuckles: No, Sonic! Don’t jump!
      Tails: Yes, Sonic! Jump Jump!
      Shadow: Do a flip. o.o


      Then after all the arguing Sonic heard Jason Griffith go “I’m JA-son GRI-ffith” and Sonic was like “I don’t CARE who you are! My gawd!” and found an ad for a Guitar Hero Tournament.

      The whole time, Metal Sonic was narrating in a nerdy chipmunk voice and said “So Sonic enterted the Guitar Hero Tournament and lost in the third round. The end.”

      Sadly, I think he took down the video. D;

      1. Random much? Lol.

        …Is it odd I can actually imagine Shadow saying something like that? I’ve always imagined his humor involves Sonic getting hurt somehow.

  12. So energetic and expressive! I love seeing Sonic animated like this. All these little things just fit him so perfectly. Especially the break dancing and the air guitar and foot-tapping and asdfghjkl;~

  13. I can tell you the air guitar sequence is not an end of stage celebration. I have Modern GHZ on a hacked demo and I have never seen any of the animations that are shown before 1:44. Now looking at the animation files I saw one called “sn_col_bgm_dance” “sn_col_bgm_high” “sn_col_bgm_low” “sn_col_bgm_mid” “sn_col_bgm_rock” That last one is probably the air guitar sequence. I get the feeling that these will be used in a sound test of some sorts.

  14. I wonder if dell be refrences to any of the sonic tv shows or the movie would love to hear south Island theme or the metal sonic fight theme somewere in the game XD

    @jacktheinfinite101 in the demo filé does it say anything about à chao garden??

    1. No. The only mentions of Chao are Cheese and possibly a random Chao that will be an NPC who gives you a mission.

      1. Who is most likely Omochao right? o.0

        Oh yeah, and the Chao icon they show, I didn’t pay enough attention to it but didn’t he have a bow-tie like Cheese? I don’t remember…. man Cheese is such a badass. Kinda funny. This is my first time REALLY thinking of his name. ….cheese… lol

  15. Wow,that break dancing sequince was unexpected XD. You go sonic!I hope there’s more character animations coming up,those were very addictive to watch.

  16. Why does it seem like classic sonic seems to be more intelligent in his games than modern sonic does

      1. It doesn’t. It’s just you. XD I find it hard for a hedgehog who starts spewwing out morals and solutions of wisdom more often to be less intelligent. XD Sonic’s always been much smarter than he lets on. (Heck, in both AoSth AND Sonic X, Sonic is the only on to understand certain situations and why something is illogical and then explains it to everyone else, including Tails. And Tails is supposed to be smart in Sonic X like in the games. XD)

    1. Not really. He never did anything. Sonic didn’t actually have a personality til SA. He would be the good guy, and stuff was implied, but he never actually showed off any personality traits.

  17. At first when I saw the second to last animation, the one where he’s sorta hovering, I got a “Super sonic transformation” – animation on my mind. But when I thought about the animation I realized that it’s probably his “flying through air” – animation, the one that’s trigger when he hits a ramp or a bumper.

    Anyway, here are some more animations:

    1. Classic playing the guitar and dancing is adorable!!! I totally think Classic and Modern are gonna have a dance off or air guitar moment X3

  18. nice animations but i find them kinda …akward for a sonic game you know sonic guitar playing is just new ^^;

  19. he should pull out Jun’s black sonic eye guitar in the guitar animation, where’d it come from?—-HAMMER SPACE

  20. Ignoring the double mouth thing (WTF?! o.O; ) That whole thing was absolutely AWESOME!!! Nov. 1 can NOT come fast enough!!!

    1. Yeah sorry its because people were ripping from the video and sega seems pretty upset about it. Thats why I removed them and people are getting pissy with me saying “Nah nah boo boo I took your video now cause you removed it now I’m uploading it cause its not your video anymore.” (which meant they took it while it was up.) -_______________- ohhhh well.

      Its all good.

      1. Dont worry about it. You did the right thing. 🙂 As for those Youtube commenters, there just retarded idiots.

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