SEGA Europe Community Manager AAUK Leaves SEGA

SEGA Europe Community Manager AAUK Leaves SEGA

Many of you who have set foot in a Summer of Sonic event will know Kevin “AAUK” Eva. If you’ve read the SEGA blogs or have dealt with SEGA, you will have no doubt dealt with him at some point along the way. Unfortunately, as of today Mr. Eva is hanging up his Sonic shoes and parting ways with SEGA.

Kevin has, amongst a plethora of feats spearheaded many of the community related events over the past four years, most notably creating the Summer of Sonic convention with TSS creator Dreadknux, which has gone from strength to strength over three years.

AAUK talks a bit about what he hoped he would achieve at his time at SEGA:

My initial goals of being here have been realised; SEGA is now very much aware of the Community and has a great deal of respect for it, other matters I’ve been fighting for over the years have been realised too and I think it would be fair to say the direction Sonic is going is most assuredly upwards. I’m stopping as I’d like to try my hand at some other things, so it’s hardly that I hate that hedgehog, what exactly I’ve yet to really decide on but things that don’t involve hedgehogs 24/7 would probably be nice(!) You’ll not be completely rid of me within the community, I’m still the main organiser behind Summer Of Sonic for this year anyway and I’ll probably still be active on Sonic Wrecks and other places. This, is who I Am.

You can read the full sign-off on the SEGA blognik. I for one would like to thank Kevin on behalf of the community for going above and beyond the call of duty, and for the many sleepless nights involved in mobilising Summer of Sonic. SEGA has surely lost a valuable asset.

If you have any farewells or messages of thanks for AAUK, please do post them in the comments.

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Anybody who’s helped the fanbase, and helped make Summer of Sonic so awesome, is a friend of mine. Best wishes for the future, Mr. Eva, and may it bring you nothing but success! Thank you kindly!

  2. You have done well, AAUK. The sneak peaks for Sonic Colors were very enjoyable. ^_^ I wish you well in your future endeavors.

  3. Oh my! Well this was unexpected! (Well I had a suspicion following recent meetups… but anyway I digress).

    I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that AAUK is our king. I wish you well for future endevours and hope that you’ll still drop in to put us in our place.

    All the very best for the future sir!

  4. I would say that’s unfortunate to hear, but I do completely understand his reasoning, and he has done a fantastic job breaching that gap between company and community. So, a Thank You would be more appropriate!

    Thanks to you, Mr. Eva, for the years of solid community entertainment on Sonic Wrecks, the community work on your own agenda and the community work on Sega’s agenda. Best of luck on all the new adventures and I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of you anyway!

  5. AAUK was a pretty cool guy, guess I’ll miss him then 🙂
    His work for SOS and the blognik was great and should not be forgotten.

  6. Good luck in the future dude. Hope everything goes awesome for ya! Or that will be NOOOO GOOOOOOD!

  7. AAUK has been instrumental in making SEGADriven work and I’m massively thankful for his support. I’m very lucky to know him as a friend as well and I wish him all the best in his future endeavours. This man has truly brought us all closer to SEGA and has done wonders for the Sonic community. He deserves a hearty round of applause and I’m sure he’ll get it come SoS.

  8. Heya Kevin! Well what more can I say? I always held true to the fact that’ great things don’t forever last in this world’ and I’ve been privileged to have been able to experience your years of organisation of the Summer of Sonic event and more-so your contributions towards SEGA and other Sonic related events (i.e. blogs, contests, trips overseas etc…).

    I still couldn’t believe how you could have survived the many sleepless nights and round the clock inquiries regarding the blue hedgehog (it’ll be like GroundHog day all over again). But yeah mate I’m happy that you’ve decided to move on in life, I’m really curious to know more about your future endeavors from here on – Kev becoming an accountant? Kev becoming a politician? Kev inventing the next beer for his home country? Who knows.

    Thanks for the good times buddy, even though I don’t see you as much as the other guys and gals in the Sonic fan community, at least I’ll treasure what I’ve experienced involving you and your work for the Sonic fan community over those four incredible years. *thumbs up*

  9. I wish AAUK much luck with future endeavors. He’s done so much for the community that I’m sure we’re all thankful for. See ya around!

    And I loved all the references in the sign-off. Actually made me giggle a bit. 😛

  10. Yeah,the Sonic franchise was happy to have this man involved.
    Major thanks to you sir for making this fanbase a so much more better place and good luck with your new direction.

  11. ” .. and I think it would be fair to say the direction Sonic is going is most assuredly upwards. ”

    you know whenever a comment like that comes up (could be in any position where someone’s leaving / about to leave) it means something isn’t going well on the inside.
    Hope it’s not related to the direction of Sonic 4 Episode II :/

  12. I liked AAUK he was an awesome guy and I’m sad to see him leave 🙁 Who’s gonna be updating big news flash messages?, who will share secrets with us or show us sneak peeks of different topics? and Who’s gonna reply to our messages with such good manner and speech? :)…lol He’s done a great job these last few years but now he can move on to Other projects and media really sad to see him go but He’s got a birght future ahead of him he will do well I know he will 😉

    Goodbye to AAUK I wish him good luck in the near future, His courage and work on the SEGA Blogniks will never be forgotten 😀

  13. THANK YOU AAUK “EVA”, on more time is extremely sad to see you leave SEGA, but we wish you the best…

    In the name of all SONIC fans here in Portugal we appreaciate you…


  14. AAUK has done a lot for the Sonic community and as member of Sega; much of which has gone unappriciated. I’m glad to see that since SOS’10 he’s become much more recognised within the Sonic/Sega community.

    Best of luck with your future projects AAUK and thanks for helping to bring together our crazy cult of Sonic lovers.

  15. AAUK is leaving?! The world is ending! 🙁
    Seriously, best wishes AAUK. Thanks for everything you’ve done. You will be sorely missed.

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