Sonic Colors and Sonic 4 Win Nintendo Power Awards

Sonic Colors and Sonic 4 Win Nintendo Power Awards

It’s been a slow news week, so I thought I’d post this little tidbit.

The March 2011 issue of Nintendo Power has just been released and they have their 2010 awards in. Most of the article covers the editorial awards while one page is dedicated to the readers choice. Sonic Colors (Wii) won for best graphics by the editors, while Sonic 4 won for best WiiWare game by reader’s choice. (The editors awarded it to Cave Story.)

Check out the March issue of Nintendo Power for more awards and an extensive preview of the Nintendo 3DS.

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  1. No disrespect to Sonic 4 but I agree with the editors on that second one.

    Also no one can deny that Colours is a beautiful game.

  2. This is good news for Sonic 4, of course Wiiware games have been less frequent in the past year so it’s not that much of an achievement. Still glad Sonic 4 is finally coming to WP7!

  3. Nice!!! Go Sonic!! Now if they can announce the anniversary game on the 28th and my wish is to be the best Sonic Stages of all games in a 2D/3D environment.

  4. This is good news for our speedy blue hero. I liked last months Nintendo Power where all the video game characters had new years resolutions. Sonic’s was to eat enough chili dogs to get his pot belly back. Eggman’s was to go back to being called Robotnik. Tails’ was to join the X-Men and Big’s was to drop dead (poor Big).

  5. Good to see both games getting recognition =)

    Also Sonic 4 episode 1 is coming to Windows 7 phone if that counts towards news?

  6. Readers liked Sonic 4 best? I dunno … I think I would’ve gone for Contra Rebirth, Cave Story, or Mega Man 9.

  7. Has anyone else noticed how much Nintendo Power LOVES Sonic? Every time there’s a new game out, Nintendo Power just goes all Amy Rose on it.

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