SEGA Cutting Sonic 4 & Sonic Adventure Prices in PSN Sale

SEGA Cutting Sonic 4 & Sonic Adventure Prices in PSN Sale

UPDATE: SEGA of America has announced that the U.S. PS Store will also see discounts. Check the list below for items and prices. /UPDATE END

Sony’s PlayStation Store Team has announced this week’s European PlayStation Store update two days early, and in it we can see all sorts of festive goodies from not only Sony, but a variety of third-party publishers, including SEGA. Sonic fans who haven’t yet bought Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, Sonic Adventure or its Sonic Adventure DX Add-On Pack are in for a treat, because SEGA will be dropping the price of all three items.

Here’s a full list of content SEGA are discounting and their upcoming prices –
EU and U.S.:

* Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode One(was – £9.99/€12.99/$14.99 now – £5.49/€6.99/$9.99)
* Sonic Adventure (was – £6.29/€7.99/$10 now – £3.19/€3.99/$5)
* Sonic Adventure DX Add-on Pack (was – £3.19/€3.99/$4.99 now – £1.19/€1.49/$1.99)
* After Burner: Climax (was – £7.99/€9.99/$9.99 now – £3.99/€4.99/$4.99)
* Valkyria Chronicles 2 (PSP) (was – £27.99/€34.99/$39.99 now – £13.99/€17.99/$15.99)
* Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP) (was – £19.99/€34.99/$39.99 now – £13.99/€17.99/$15.99)

U.S. only:

Gunstar Heroes (PS3) (was – $4.99 now – $2.99)
SEGA Genesis Collection (PSP) (was – $15.99 now – $9.99)
Iron Man 2 (PSP) (was – $19.99 now – $15.99)

These discounts will only be available during Sony’s Christmas sale, which runs from December 22nd until January 5th, so grab them while they’re there.

Sources: EU PlayStation Blog
SEGA of America Blog

Will you be taking advantage of these great offers? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. Yay!

    Well done in rubbing in my face how much money I could have bought it for, had I possessed the gift of waiting longer than 5secs to buy Sonic 4 or Sonic AdventureDX.

    But I still stand by my decision they are both great games, well SADX anyway XD.

  2. Why couldn’t they just sell Sonic 4 at this price initially?

    It certainly shouldn’t have cost them much to MAKE it.

  3. god i had to get 10 euros to get a psn card to buy the game and now damn it

    @C.J well one thing who said its going to be stored on disc becuase i havent heard of it yet

  4. @damnhedge

    Oh sorry mistake I ment If it was……

    I mean I assumed they……I thought that….um…..What I’m trying to say is…..

    I also thought they would the game in parts because that would give them the opportunity to make corrections or try new things in future episodes .
    Also it’s possible that they might release a full version on a disc or some kind of physical media when they are finished with the whole game. 🙂

  5. @C.J ah okay well you are right there is a chance that SEGA will put on a disc but still i think it is a downloadebel thing then

  6. I wish the Dreamcast Collection actually housed Dreamcast games and not PC ports of Gamecube remakes of Dreamcast games with the additional features removed, destroying any valid non-technical reason for using the PC version. For £3, it’s not bad, though. Sonic 4 for a fiver is definitely good.

  7. I’m still hoping for OutRun on XBLA to get a discount, if it hasn’t been taken down yet…

  8. Sonic Adventure is a lazy port. Sonic 4 is great but it does not have many new ideas; but for $10 I think it is worth it.

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