Sonic Free Riders Launch Trailer, Out Now In U.S.

Sonic Free Riders Launch Trailer, Out Now In U.S.


The Xbox 360’s new motion sensing device Kinect is now available at U.S. retail today, along with a selection of launch titles, including SEGA’s Sonic Free Riders. To mark the occasion, SEGA’s released a launch trailer filled with CG goodness and in-game footage. You’ll also get to hear a good portion of one of the game’s theme songs Free.

A couple of reviews have been published so far to join IGN’s 7.5/10 review and we expect more will roll out during the day. Game Informer has given the game a 5.75/10 and G4 has scored it 3/5. We’ll keep an eye out for more, but if you spot any before us, share the links in the comments.

Finally, the new images of 6 of the easy and 6 of the hard tracks on the game’s official website have been made available, thanks to Woun at the SSMB. You can check those out below:


Will you be picking up Kinect and Sonic Free Riders?

Trailer source:

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  1. I’m surprised at the scores from IGN and X-Play. 0_0 They’re significantly higher than I thought. I’m not surprised with Game Informer, they can’t rate for crap.

  2. Nice trailer nice song, Kinda seemed like Sonic should of done his Sonic Adventure type smile at the end though instead of that weird one, it looked kinda cheezy lol.

  3. Much as I’d like to pick Free Riders up, I don’t plan on getting Kinect until there are more worthwhile, core titles out there. Wii Sports, Wii Play, etc. all kept my attention for barely a day, and I can’t imagine Kinect Adventures distracting me from Sonic Colors. I don’t buy potential, I buy the goods.

  4. That video alone makes me want to buy a Kinect lol The game may be getting sub par scores, but it’s guaranteed to sell out. Look at the other titles available…

  5. Finally…. we get to hear the main theme without having the Japanese announcer say “AWESOME!” “SO MUCH FUN!”

    ugh….can’t get the game because of freakin’ Kinect T____T


    I do want this game.

    Decisions Desicions.
    The trailer was good. I like the expressions.

  7. I just got done playing this. It’s fun, takes awhile to get used to. But I do think it’s the best Riders game. I think it’s worth the buy.

  8. Free=Totally iPod pick.

    Hey, ya know somethin’? SEGA Hasn’t revealed much about the game until just a few weeks prior to its release. I just now learned it had a (rockin’)theme, and we just learned it had a story mode ’bout a week ago.

  9. I’ve to confess, I’ve been an enormous Undertaking Natal/Kinect sceptic ever since it was announced with that sham Milo walkthrough and an awful lot of hyperbole. I’ve been trying to maintain an open thoughts however the numerous rumours that have circulated about area, lighting and multiplayer points have been a cause for concern. The advertising resolution that Microsoft took to put this in the fingers of mainstream journalists and celebrities fairly than anybody who actually has experience and experience writing about gaming was extremely worrying.

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