#56 Live From SEGA of America

#56 Live From SEGA of America

It’s time for another episode of The Sonic Show.  This time around, we hit the road and visit SEGA of America in San Francisco, California for their second annual community event.  We’ll play some PSP, talk to the employees at SOA and drop dimes on Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Joining me on this trip is none other than America’s favorite doppleganger, Ben Kalough, SEGA of Antarctica’s best PR man.

For the Sonic 4 feedback session, I cut down the 30 minutes into about 10. There are moments where I started to speak and cut the camera, because I didn’t feel like rolling on what I was saying for those initial discussions about physics and level design. I spoke at length and since I gesticulate a lot, it would have been a mess. I wanted to focus on making a good, concise point instead of worrying about filming.  As a substitute, I’ve cut in abridged versions of what I said to Aaron and Ken, set to the Sonic 3invincibility theme.

Note: they wanted feedback and we gave it to them professionally. Anybody who says, “oh my god complaiiiiniiiiing” needs a reality check.  Any comments like this one will be deleted and you will be banned.  I don’t even want to deal with the Sonic Defense Force today (or ever, really).  Sonic 4: Episode 1 has major problems, so we aired them to make Episode 2 better.  Sonic 4Good Edition.

Enjoy the video and for a more detailed report of the event, I wrote one up this past Sunday.  Feel free to ask questions about the event and I will be more than happy to answer them for you.  Thanks again to all of the SOA employees and to all the guests who were featured in the video.  I had an absolute blast this past weekend and I think it shows!

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