Sonic Scribe Ian Flynn Working On Megaman Comic, Spaz involved (Updated)

Sonic Scribe Ian Flynn Working On Megaman Comic, Spaz involved (Updated)

We don’t often report on non-Sonic news, but when it’s related in some cool way to the blue blur it’s always good to let you guys know! As we just reported in our NYCC Live Blog, Sonic scribe Ian Flynn will be working with Sonic cover artist Patrick Spaziente and short term Sabrina penciler Chad Thomas on an all new comic based around Capcom’s blue bomber, Megaman!

As of yet, not much else is known, aside from the fact that the comic is launching next year. We took a video of the entire panel, and we’ll be getting media and interviews from the Archie booth over the next few days, so stay tuned! Yes, we do intend to ask about the possibility of a crossover!’

Ian Flynn is also working on an Archie character called “Cosmo The Merry Martian”, a character that had a brief publication stint in the 1950s.

Update: Archie has released a press release, and Comics Alliance has gotten it’s hands on some concept art from Chad Thomas, posted above.

New York, NY (October 8, 2010): Archie Comics—home to Sonic the Hedgehog comics—is about to become the base of operations for a comic series featuring Capcom’s heroic video game legend, Mega Man!

The Mega Man® franchise is hotter than ever and in the spring of 2011, Archie Comics will take his heroic adventures to new heights with a brand new monthly comic!

With the aid of his mighty Mega Buster blaster arm and a killer creative team including renowned artist Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante and infamous Archie action/adventure writer Ian Flynn, Mega Man is equipped to blast his way back into the comic book world in his own monthly action. Arriving Spring 2011, the new Mega Man™ comic from Archie Comics promises to build a faithful legacy while exploring a vast universe of heroes, villains, and robots.

“Since 1987, the enormously successful Mega Man franchise has conquered media from video games to television to manga. Archie Comics is ready to carry on this tradition of success, holding true to the spirit of the old school with a fresh eye on Mega Man’s strong potential in the world of American comics,” promised Archie Comics editor of Sonic and now the Mega Man franchise, Paul Kaminski.

The Mega Man comic book series will follow the original Rock/Mega Man in his battles against the maniacal Dr. Wily. Mega Man’s jam-packed, fast-paced adventures are told from the perspective of Rock (a.k.a. Mega Man) the young boy with a peaceful heart now thrust into a life of conflict.

“Readers can expect non-stop action, as well as an exploration of the themes of family, choice and loyalty that make the Mega Man franchise a property that connects on a very personal level,” continued Kaminski. “From there, we hope to fully explore not only that classic world, but the other spin-offs including Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man Legends and more!”

“We’re thrilled to be creating a definitive version of Capcom’s Mega Man to American audiences,” remarked Archie Comics Co-CEO Jon Goldwater. “And to do it with our top-notch creative team who all love and understand the property inside and out is going to be spectacular!”

In honor of the announcement at NYCC, Archie Comics and Capcom® will each be hosting signings of an exclusive print with the Mega Man creative team Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante and Ian Flynn.

Stay tuned to for updates on the “Mega Man” comic series coming from Archie Comics in Spring 2011.

Capcom, and Mega Man are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd.  All other marks are the property of their respective owners

Stay tuned for more concept art straight from the panel.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Classic Mega is fun to play, but I like Battle Network and Star Force much better and enjoyable.


    Nice to see the both of them branching out. I hope this goes well for them!

  3. Oh man, I still have my Dreamwave Mega Man comic Spaz drew before the company went under. Is it gonna be an Udon book since they have the other Capcom comics?

  4. So, MegaMan’s gonna be done by Archie Comics. Let’s hope they can top DreamWave Comics. I still have all four issues. I’m pretty sure the MegaMan Network has this info.

  5. I have never been a fan of Mega Man, but I still think a cross-over with Sonic would be great.

  6. If Archie started a Mario comic, I would be extremely overjoyed. Then we could have an eventual crossover of all three: Mario, Sonic, and Mega Man… well, I can dream, can’t I?

    As it stands right now, though, I’m stoked about this, and I’d love for there to be an eventual Mega Man/Sonic crossover. The two series have quite a bit in common and would lend themselves pretty well to a crossover.

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