NYCC Exclusive: Megaman Cover, Concept art, Spaz Drawing Issue 1

NYCC Exclusive: Megaman Cover, Concept art, Spaz Drawing Issue 1

Our man from Emerald Coast Comics, TJ Selinka, also got us some sweet pics of Megaman concept art that Archie showed off. Unlike the concept art in the last post, this stuff was drawn by Spaz himself! It has also been confirmed that Spaz is drawing at least the first issue.

UPDATE: We’ve updated the gallery with a high res final cover from Comics Continuum.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. This is great For Spaz, and Megaman Fans cant wait for another comic series Im gonna be forced into buying.

  2. Cool, but Archie comics ruin all the sonic universe.
    Hope to see a Crossover with Sonic maybe, well witout Sally, rottor, rabot, or any of that wtf characters.

  3. @caca

    A Sonic/Megaman Crossover Comic? You just may have an idea there, Knuckles! (Reference to Sonic Shorts Volume… 2 or 3?)

  4. Holy shit, the universe just exploded at the thought of a crossover! We won’t have to settle for fan comics the real deal could come true!

  5. Interesting fact, Spaz drew a limited run Megaman comic before. In it Megaman goes to school and acts a a normal human. Then transforms into Megaman via a special device to battle Willy’s evil robots. Yes, it really had a magical girl type plot device to it. These designs look very similar to those from that comic series.

  6. A Sonic/MegaMan Crossover would have to have Sonic crossing to another Zone, and traveling back in time to 200X.

  7. @MilesDX

    Spaz only drew the fourth issue. The first three were drawn by Mic Fong.

    Also I can’t wait for this series, as long as it doesn’t befall the same problems that the Dreamwave series did.

  8. Archie Comics and Nintendo should make Super Mario comic books.
    Then it will be Sonic/Mario crossover comic book, they will fight Bowser and Eggman.

  9. Well, it’s worth a shot as long as they steer clear of anything BUT the original story line and characters.. none of that EXE or Force BS

  10. @MilesDX

    I remember that series as well. Good stuff in there!

    Anyway, can’t wait to see this comic. And maybe a potential crossover between the Blue Blur and the Blur Bomber!

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