Destructoid Streaming Sonic Colours For Charity [ENDED]

Destructoid Streaming Sonic Colours For Charity [ENDED]

UPDATE: Sonic Colours stream is now over./UPDATE END

Destructoid’s Jesse Cortez will be holding a 24 hour-long special video game stream for the Extra Life charity fundraiser today and during the “Speed Run Challenge” segment of the show Cortez will be streaming the Comic-Con demo of Sonic Colours (Wii version), which as you may have seen includes portions of the Tropical Resort, Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp stages. This part of the show should be played around 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM (PST), which is 01:00am-04:00am GMT in the UK, so we advise you guys get some sleep during the day if you want to join in. All Cortez asks of you in return for this event is that you pay a donation, which will go to the UC David Children’s Hospital.

Here’s a statement about the event from Jesse Cortez himself:

Hi I’m Jesse Cortez and this year I’m raising money and awareness for my local Children’s Miracle Network hospital, UC Davis Children’s Hospital.
On October 16th, 2010 I’ll attempt to play video games for 24-hours straight, and I’ve asked you to come by in hopes that you’ll support me by giving just $1.00 per hour ($24 total).
Your donation is tax-deductible and 100% of your gift goes to help heal sick kids, here in Sacramento, CA.
This Fall, my fellow Extra Life gamers are going to make miracles happen for kids. I can’t do that without your support. My goal is to raise $5,000.00.
This is DtoidSF’s official gamer account! Let’s raise some money for charity!
Thank you for your time, support, and participation.

Source: Destructoid

Extra Life donation page

Will you be taking part? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. @ Ax:
    No, you don’t need to go there in person. They’re going to be streaming the event via camera.

    You should be able to send in money from anywhere in the world. Not sure if it would convert using a normal credit/debit card, but there is a PayPal option on the donation page and PayPal usually converts the money for you.

  2. I donated 5 bucks yesterday, but I can’t spoil the later levels for myself while enjoying the event. When will it start on Eastern Time Zone?

  3. I’d donate $10 if Sega wanted to release a DS demo of the game via the Nintendo Channel…. <- hint hint

  4. I would love to go there but destructoid gives me like 50 viruses when i enter there.

    Piece of shit

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