Archie Means Business Panel Video, Plus New Megaman Concept Art

Archie Means Business Panel Video, Plus New Megaman Concept Art

I’ll be the first to admit, this sort of thing probably won’t interest a lot of you. Even though I’ve had a gradual resurgence of interest in the Archie characters, even I found myself doing other things while watching through this video.

Nevertheless, Selinka and I promised you video of the event, so here it is! To sweeten the pot, we’ve brought you even more never before seen Megaman concept art, as well a few things you might have found elsewhere. This art is from the “Creators Tell All” panal, which should be going up tomorrow, and be infinitely more interesting to watch. Till then…well, enjoy!

Megaman Concept Art:

One of these pieces where released by Newsarama as exclusive art, in perfect clarity. You can find it here.

Without further ado…





Near the end of part 3 we hit a bit of a lull. But I do recommend at least clicking to moment 6:20 of part 3.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Wow, Sonic barely mentioned at all. The very last 2 minutes of that hour was the best part, just to see all the upcoming Sonic covers.

  2. Feels strange to have updates on Megaman material on a Sonic fansite. But who knows? Maybe we’ll see a crossover at some point…?

  3. Actually, this Megaman stuff is interesting. I’ve been a MegaFan(He he) for about as long as I’ve been a Sonic Fan. Can’t wait to see how they make Mega more bad-a** than in the games, like they did Sonic!

  4. Wonder why Capcom went with archie comics rather than Udon for a Megaman comic. The kid in me is starting to think that there may be a Sega vs. Capcom game on the way but I just know it’s not gonna happen right now.

  5. OH. that one cover where sonic is going “YOU?!” looks interesting. I hope it’s Kahn. He needs to be a bad guy again.

  6. @HeroInferno

    Considering all the “VS. Capcom” games that are coming out, I wouldn’t be surprised.

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