Tails’ Adventure Concludes In Sonic Universe #20, Now In Comic Shops

Tails’ Adventure Concludes In Sonic Universe #20, Now In Comic Shops

The conclusion to Archie’s “Tails Adventure” story arc, which acts as an adaption to the Game Gear game of the same name, has just hit comic shops today. This issue will also be revealing the winners of the “Tails Fan Art Contest”. Tails fans might want to take a look at this!

“Trouble in Paradise” Part Four of Four
Deep in the enemy base, Tails and his friends fight to survive the assault from the terrible Mole Mech! But even if they come out on top, do they stand a chance of escaping with their lives? Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn.
ART: Tracy Yardley!, Jim Amash, Phil Felix, and Jason Jensen
On Sale at Comic Shops: 9/8/2010
Newsstands: Week of 9/21/2010
32-page, 40 lb glossy stock, full-color comic
2.99 US

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. With a bit of luck, I’ll be picking this up tomorrow. That would make it my first Archie Sonic comic.

    I’ve been doing some digging on the whole Archie universe recently to get a good understanding about the story. -phew- Some universe! I love how deep the comic is, especially with Knuckles.

  2. A very good comic. This made me finally sit down and play through the whole game. Can’t wait to pick up this issue.

  3. …Still waiting for a full Werehog story, Archie. *shot*

    No seriously though, that tiny little Unleashed tie-in at the back of #193 doesn’t count. *shot again*

  4. Going to pick it up this afternoon 🙂 Havent missed a single sonic universe comic. I have tried playing tailses game though….no comments XD*I tried though*

  5. Tails adventures best point was- i don’t know, never bothered playing the damn thing all the way through, the levels were way too long and uninteresting for my tastes

  6. It was an alright story arc, probably rates inbetween JttE and the Knuckles Arc.. Speedy is a dick, if the Battle Kukku’s just let Tails n’ co holiday, then their secret base and operations would’ve been kept a secret.
    It’s like telling your neighbor you have a missile silo in your shed when all they’ve done is peer over your fence..

    Can’t wait to see what arc is up next (no spoilers please)

  7. Whoopee!!

    I entered the TFA Contest, Hope I win!!!

    ..crud… the nearest place that sells comics is the Books-A-Million several miles from where I live, and they won’t get it till the end of the month.

  8. @Kits’Okami Quite a coincidence, you and me both end up freshening ourselves up for the comic universe. Have to say I’d heard that the comics were supposed to be “darker and edgier” than the games, but I didn’t think the themes that the comics address would, y’know, show up.

    Anyway, onto the topic, I can’t wait to read the last part, Ian Flynn really seems to know what he’s doing. Wonder if there will be any little references in this one like Antoine’s butter & margarine in the second part.

  9. I think next Arc(Or an upcoming Arc) is a Silver arc….

    Ian hinted at something like that on comic part 3.

    Seriously, Ian Flynn rocks! He doesn’t add any cheesy lines, and can create the coolest plot twists!
    Tracey Yardley! Is an awesome artist. I fell out of my chair laughing at how he drew Tails’ angry face on part 3. He gives everyone really good facial expressions. Love the comics. These guys make me proud to be a Sonic Fan.

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